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Description: 7 layer fractal of spiraling flower petals
Category: Art
Release Date: February 11th, 2004
File Size: 1684K (1684114 bytes)
Downloads: 18 for the past Day (Rank: 1122)
57 for the past Week (Rank: 2070)
Author: Appleblossom Art
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Content: Appleblossom Art
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Other Info: UNKNOWN

Length Date Time Name --------- ---------- ----- ---- 3638 07-24-2000 22:18 R LED.ico 3774 06-12-2003 00:32 Bonk 3_1Clear.ico 3262 08-13-2002 17:45 coral alternate.cur 3262 08-11-2002 14:09 coral diagonal1.cur 3262 08-11-2002 14:05 coral diagonal2.cur 3262 08-13-2002 20:40 coral handwriting.cur 3262 08-11-2002 13:48 coral help.cur 3262 08-11-2002 14:16 coral horizontal.cur 3262 08-11-2002 14:04 coral move.cur 3262 08-11-2002 14:16 coral normal.cur 3262 08-11-2002 14:00 coral precision.cur 3262 08-11-2002 13:46 coral text.cur 3262 08-13-2002 17:38 coral unavailable.cur 3262 08-13-2002 18:38 coralvertical.cur 6665 06-12-2003 23:10 Flower Petal Fractal.Theme 43254 06-12-2003 22:46 FlowerPetal WVLEFT.BMP 68662 06-12-2003 22:42 FlowerPetal WVLOGO.GIF 1440054 06-08-2003 20:10 FlowerPetal.bmp 28658 11-30-1997 22:10 Fractal Critical Stop.wav 59242 06-09-1997 18:05 Fractal menu command.wav 58192 06-09-1997 18:03 Fractal menu popup.wav 3638 07-24-2000 22:15 Link 03.ico 3774 06-12-2003 01:56 Link 08_1Clear.ico 10990 06-01-2003 17:16 MusFrac Asterisk.wav 20230 06-01-2003 17:16 MusFrac Critical Stop.wav 30586 06-01-2003 17:16 MusFrac Empty Recycle Bin.wav 95438 06-01-2003 17:16 MusFrac Exit.wav 15862 06-01-2003 17:16 MusFrac Maximize-Restore Up.wav 21238 06-01-2003 17:16 MusFrac Minimize-Restore Down.wav 38038 06-01-2003 17:16 MusFrac Program Error.wav 25774 06-01-2003 17:16 MusFrac Question.wav 60382 06-01-2003 17:16 MusFrac StartWin.wav 11158 06-01-2003 17:16 MusFrac System Default.wav 85 05-13-2003 07:54 My WVLINE.GIF 119384 12-07-1999 12:00 notify.wav 3774 06-11-2003 21:54 Quad 3_1transparent.ico 135076 02-19-2002 12:56 3dc_1130.ani --------- ------- 2346710 37 files

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