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Theme Doctor: Full Review - Rating Doctor's Choice
Description: B-17 Flying Fortress
Category: Automotive
Release Date: May 1st, 2003
File Size: 5204K (5204925 bytes)
Downloads: 23 for the past Day (Rank: 306)
87 for the past Week (Rank: 307)
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Length Date Time Name --------- ---------- ----- ---- 98470 04-10-1998 00:40 b-17/flyby1.wav 129231 04-15-1998 19:47 b-17/Copy_to_root_directory/logo.sys 0 04-12-1998 23:28 b-17/Copy_to_root_directory/copy_files_only--Not the directory!.txt 207014 04-10-1998 00:24 b-17/default_sound.wav 3774 04-10-1998 12:36 b-17/BOMB_GROUP_48.ico 6006 04-08-1998 23:47 b-17/BOMB_GROUP_32.ico 864422 04-10-1998 00:47 b-17/empty_recycle.wav 27020 04-13-1998 22:09 b-17/b17_busy.ani 31512 04-04-1998 15:44 b-17/b17_busy_background.ani 3774 04-10-1998 12:33 b-17/b17_solo_48.ico 6826 04-05-1998 10:46 b-17/b17_select.ani 2238 04-08-1998 23:06 b-17/b17_solo_32.ico 2238 04-10-1998 11:36 b-17/full_32.ico 2238 04-10-1998 11:53 b-17/empty32.ico 137326 04-07-1998 07:46 b-17/bonus_goodies/bombs_away2.ani 129094 04-09-1998 22:25 b-17/bonus_goodies/logos.sys 2238 04-01-1998 23:48 b-17/bonus_goodies/b17_hit.cur 2238 04-01-1998 23:44 b-17/bonus_goodies/b17_curs.cur 129080 04-15-1998 00:30 b-17/bonus_goodies/logow.sys 2238 04-07-1998 21:16 b-17/bonus_goodies/belle.cur 1018022 04-12-1998 12:53 b-17/start.wav 602278 04-12-1998 13:20 b-17/shutdown.wav 527272 04-10-1998 00:00 b-17/1024-b17.JPG 200407 04-10-1998 00:02 b-17/640-b17.JPG 403800 04-10-1998 00:06 b-17/theme_bg2.JPG 177228 04-10-1998 00:07 b-17/theme_bg2_sm.JPG 129094 04-09-1998 22:17 b-17/copy_to_windows_directory/logos.sys 129080 04-16-1998 21:47 b-17/copy_to_windows_directory/logow.sys 0 04-12-1998 23:28 b-17/copy_to_windows_directory/copy_files_only--Not the directory!.txt 3774 04-13-1998 22:06 b-17/empty_48.ico 3774 04-10-1998 11:30 b-17/full_48.ico 110758 04-12-1998 12:48 b-17/asterix.wav 147622 04-12-1998 13:24 b-17/open.wav 8358 04-12-1998 13:25 b-17/menu_popup.wav 48376 04-12-1998 13:26 b-17/menu_command.wav 141478 04-12-1998 14:01 b-17/exclamation.wav 192678 04-12-1998 14:05 b-17/critical_stop.wav 100518 04-12-1998 14:10 b-17/maximize.wav 241784 04-12-1998 14:42 b-17/minimize.wav 309414 04-12-1998 14:56 b-17/program_error.wav 3381 04-16-1998 18:29 b-17/readme.txt 3381 04-16-1998 18:29 b-17/Install.txt 766 07-14-1995 00:00 b-17/b17_pen.cur 766 07-14-1995 00:00 b-17/b17_NESW.cur 766 07-14-1995 00:00 b-17/b17_cross.cur 766 07-14-1995 00:00 b-17/b17_move.cur 6826 04-09-1998 23:24 b-17/b17_question.ani 766 07-14-1995 00:00 b-17/b17_NS.cur 6826 04-09-1998 23:32 b-17/b17_unavail.ani 2238 04-01-1998 23:44 b-17/b17_curs.cur 2238 04-01-1998 23:48 b-17/b17_hit.cur 766 07-14-1995 00:00 b-17/b17_beam.cur 766 07-14-1995 00:00 b-17/b17_NWSE.cur 766 07-14-1995 00:00 b-17/b17_WE.cur 766 07-14-1995 00:00 b-17/b17_up.cur 3774 04-08-1998 07:30 b-17/13th_48.ico 2238 04-08-1998 07:33 b-17/13th_32.ico 2238 04-07-1998 21:18 b-17/belle_32.ico 3774 04-08-1998 19:41 b-17/belle_48.ico 272550 04-12-1998 16:19 b-17/question.wav 4725 04-15-1998 07:46 b-17/B-17Theme#2 (1024x768 -- small icons).Theme 4751 04-12-1998 22:45 b-17/B-17 Theme#1 (1024x768 -- large icons).Theme 4726 04-15-1998 07:45 b-17/B-17Theme#2 (1024x768 -- large icons).Theme 48732 08-06-1996 00:00 b-17/install_these_fonts/stencil.TTF 41408 09-27-1995 00:00 b-17/install_these_fonts/Hatten.ttf 0 04-12-1998 23:28 b-17/install_these_fonts/install_these_fontsl!.txt 4753 04-12-1998 22:46 b-17/B-17 Theme#1 (1024x768 -- small icons).Theme 4791 04-12-1998 23:16 b-17/B-17 Theme#1 (640x480 -- small icons).Theme 4796 04-12-1998 23:18 b-17/B-17Theme#2 (640x480 -- small icons).Theme 4796 04-12-1998 23:18 B-17Theme#2 (640x480 -- small icons).Theme 4725 04-15-1998 07:46 B-17Theme#2 (1024x768 -- small icons).Theme 4726 04-15-1998 07:45 B-17Theme#2 (1024x768 -- large icons).Theme 4751 04-12-1998 22:45 B-17 Theme#1 (1024x768 -- large icons).Theme 4753 04-12-1998 22:46 B-17 Theme#1 (1024x768 -- small icons).Theme 4791 04-12-1998 23:16 B-17 Theme#1 (640x480 -- small icons).Theme --------- ------- 6746274 75 files

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