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Description: Winnie the Pooh and the Gang (cartoon)
Category: Cartoons
Release Date: October 10th, 1998
File Size: 930K (930311 bytes)
Downloads: 3 for the past Day (Rank: 1509)
63 for the past Week (Rank: 471)
Author: kidmagee
Content: UNKNOWN
Other Info: UNKNOWN

Length Date Time Name --------- ---------- ----- ---- 9076 04-13-1998 19:57 100aker C.ani 59434 04-13-1998 03:07 100aker recyle bin.wav 70 09-11-1998 22:41 100aker maximize.wav 12732 04-12-1998 20:21 100aker menu command.wav 8854 04-12-1998 20:16 100aker menu popup.wav 26066 04-12-1998 04:58 100aker minimize.wav 112350 04-13-1998 02:41 100aker program error.wav 36870 04-13-1998 02:34 100aker question.wav 70 09-11-1998 22:39 100aker start.wav 2238 04-14-1998 02:19 100aker M.cur 1616 10-15-1994 01:02 100aker H.ani 2314 04-13-1998 20:30 100aker L.ani 5694 04-10-1998 15:59 100aker wood my computer.ico 481878 04-09-1998 10:40 100aker wood wallpaper.bmp 5694 04-11-1998 23:13 100aker wood network neighborhod.ico 5694 04-10-1998 16:02 100aker wood recyclebin empty.ico 13576 04-13-1998 19:41 100aker D.ani 72076 04-13-1998 17:02 100akerA.ani 2314 04-13-1998 20:40 100aker K.ani 250 04-16-1998 13:47 photosav.ini 2326 04-13-1998 20:16 100aker J.ani 2314 04-13-1998 20:48 100aker I.ani 5694 04-11-1998 21:27 100aker wood recyclbin full.ico 6718 10-07-1998 04:30 100akerwood - by kidmagee.theme 141716 10-07-1998 04:26 100aker exit.wav 322726 04-16-1998 13:45 100aker screensaver wallpaper.bmp 275200 09-16-1996 18:33 100aker screensaver.scr 2238 05-24-1998 23:08 100aker F.cur 61708 03-10-1992 03:10 WESTEND.TTF 2238 05-24-1998 23:06 100aker E.cur 2238 05-24-1998 23:09 100aker N.cur 4986 09-12-1998 22:53 100aker wood - read me.rtf --------- ------- 1688968 32 files

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