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Description: Classic Star Wars Trilogy - 13 themes
Category: Sci-Fi
Release Date: August 3rd, 2002
File Size: 6221K (6221378 bytes)
Downloads: 4 for the past Day (Rank: 6434)
73 for the past Week (Rank: 350)
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Length Date Time Name --------- ---------- ----- ---- 45196 06-04-1997 02:00 SW Busy.ani 81076 06-02-1997 20:00 SW e-w.ani 81076 08-13-1996 12:39 SW ne-sw.ani 81076 08-13-1996 11:26 SW n-s.ani 81076 08-13-1996 13:08 SW nw-se.ani 10246 06-04-1997 01:40 SW WIB.ani 110714 05-21-2001 02:06 Star Wars .JPG 2238 07-14-1995 00:00 SW Arrow.cur 2238 07-14-1995 00:00 SW Beam.cur 2238 07-14-1995 00:00 SW Cross.cur 2238 07-14-1995 00:00 SW Move.cur 766 05-13-1998 13:04 SW No.cur 2238 07-14-1995 00:00 SW Pen.cur 2238 07-04-1996 12:00 SW Empty Recycle Bin .ico 2238 07-04-1996 12:00 SW My Computer.ico 2238 07-04-1996 12:00 SW Network.ico 2238 07-04-1996 12:00 SW Recycle Bin (Completed).ico 78044 08-24-1998 07:00 Star Wars Asterisk.wav 78474 08-24-1998 07:15 Star Wars Critical Stop.wav 94030 08-24-1998 06:11 Star Wars Default.wav 83322 08-24-1998 06:48 Star Wars Empty Recycle Bin.wav 144340 08-24-1998 06:38 Star Wars Exclamation.wav 426289 08-24-1998 23:22 Star Wars Exit Windows.wav 44866 05-09-1995 09:08 Star Wars Maximize.wav 8610 05-15-1997 16:11 Star Wars Menu Popup.wav 58690 05-09-1995 09:08 Star Wars Minimize.wav 57154 09-26-1995 15:00 Star Wars New Mail.wav 21868 09-26-1995 15:00 Star Wars Program Error.wav 107530 08-31-1998 02:40 Star Wars Question.wav 18280 11-16-1995 08:44 Star Wars Restore Down.wav 18934 08-24-1998 23:15 Star Wars Restore Up.wav 590911 08-24-1998 23:12 Star Wars Start Windows.wav 4680 05-13-2002 16:54 Star Wars.theme 152057 05-21-2001 02:01 20th anniversary Star Wars.jpg 4696 05-13-2002 16:53 20th Anniversary Star Wars.theme 62062 05-21-2001 02:02 A New Hope.jpg 50622 06-04-1997 03:03 Dagobah.jpg 4677 05-13-2002 16:53 Dagobah.theme 4698 05-13-2002 16:54 Falcon vs Imperial Cruiser.theme 158202 05-21-2001 02:05 Falcon vs. Imperial Cruisers.jpg 4680 05-13-2002 16:55 Star Wars - A New Hope.theme 465402 05-13-2002 14:42 Star Wars - Battle of Endor.jpg 4697 05-13-2002 16:55 Star Wars - Battle of Endor.theme 430753 05-13-2002 13:57 Star Wars - Battle of Hoth I.jpg 4698 05-13-2002 16:55 Star Wars - Battle of Hoth I.theme 547325 05-13-2002 14:34 Star Wars - Battle of Hoth II.jpg 4699 05-13-2002 16:56 Star Wars - Battle of Hoth II.theme 455802 05-13-2002 13:52 Star Wars - Battle of the Death Star.jpg 4706 05-13-2002 16:56 Star Wars - Battle of the Death Star.theme 2986038 05-24-2001 22:31 Star Wars Logo.bmp 4684 05-13-2002 16:57 Star Wars Logo.theme 4703 05-13-2002 16:57 Star Wars Trilogy SE.theme 78405 05-21-2001 02:06 Star Wars Trilogy Special Edition.jpg 72640 10-04-1999 15:03 Star Wars Trilogy.jpg 4681 05-13-2002 16:57 Star Wars Trilogy.theme 465166 05-21-2001 02:07 Yoda & the Falcon.jpg 4687 05-13-2002 16:58 Yoda & the Falcon.theme 1238324 07-06-2000 16:40 Star Wars --------- ------- 9566494 58 files

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