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Description: The Big Lebowski (movie)
Category: Movies
Release Date: November 1st, 1999
File Size: 5708K (5708438 bytes)
Downloads: 3 for the past Day (Rank: 7757)
32 for the past Week (Rank: 6188)
Author: Tim (the rainman)
Content: UNKNOWN
Other Info: UNKNOWN

Length Date Time Name --------- ---------- ----- ---- 2359350 02-19-1999 00:27 BLebowski.bmp 5694 02-14-1999 20:52 Computer.ico 5694 02-18-1999 03:01 arrow.cur 3262 02-21-1999 00:19 diagonal1.cur 3262 02-21-1999 00:18 diagonal2.cur 5694 02-15-1999 11:48 empty.ico 2238 02-21-1999 00:39 EW.cur 5694 02-15-1999 11:48 full.ico 3262 02-21-1999 00:55 help.cur 2238 02-21-1999 00:48 move.cur 5694 02-14-1999 19:23 Network Neighborhood.ico 2238 02-21-1999 00:47 NS.cur 494 10-28-1999 16:50 READTHISFORHELP!.txt 129078 02-19-1999 00:28 safe to turn off.sys 129078 02-19-1999 00:28 shuttingdown.sys 72208 10-28-1999 17:06 star.ani 129078 02-19-1999 00:28 startingup.sys 16450 04-19-1999 00:07 working.ani 6169 05-14-1999 17:07 The Big Lebowski.theme 103546 10-25-1999 00:46 call.wav 68242 10-25-1999 00:45 ball return.wav 57662 10-25-1999 00:46 coffe cup.wav 79402 10-25-1999 00:47 date wednesday.wav 49014 10-25-1999 00:47 doorslam.wav 76830 10-25-1999 00:47 glass.wav 214216 10-25-1999 00:47 glass2.wav 127786 10-25-1999 00:47 huh.wav 517792 10-25-1999 00:48 opinion.wav 82762 10-25-1999 00:48 pins.wav 125420 10-25-1999 00:48 pins2.wav 116174 10-25-1999 00:48 ring.wav 158764 10-25-1999 00:49 shut up1.wav 200592 10-25-1999 00:49 shut up2.wav 157754 10-25-1999 00:49 shut up3.wav 127440 10-25-1999 00:49 shut up4.wav 118094 10-25-1999 00:49 shut up5.wav 1407166 10-25-1999 00:50 stolen car.wav 1833908 10-25-1999 00:50 stranger.wav 63828 10-25-1999 00:50 whoo.wav 128442 10-25-1999 00:51 you mean vagina.wav 610 10-28-1999 16:57 Author.txt --------- ------- 8702319 41 files

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