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Description: BtronV - Japanese, Chinese and Korean OS (computer)
Category: Computers
Release Date: November 11th, 2002
File Size: 3167K (3167210 bytes)
Downloads: 1 for the past Day (Rank: 7481)
48 for the past Week (Rank: 1646)
Author: Studiowizard
Content: UNKNOWN
Other Info: UNKNOWN

Length Date Time Name --------- ---------- ----- ---- 0 10-12-2002 18:40 Btron/ 5839 10-12-2002 19:13 Btron/3B Browser 8.theme 5878 10-12-2002 22:14 Btron/B-Right-V.theme 5895 10-12-2002 22:15 Btron/B-Right-Vmarble.theme 5902 10-12-2002 22:16 Btron/B-Right-Vrock.theme 5897 10-12-2002 22:18 Btron/B-Right-Vweave.theme 5853 10-12-2002 22:19 Btron/Btron-1B-V3.theme 0 10-12-2002 18:47 Btron/BtronV/ 1440054 10-12-2002 18:19 Btron/BtronV/3b-browser.bmp 2359350 10-12-2002 18:26 Btron/BtronV/3b-browser1024.bmp 1440054 10-12-2002 18:19 Btron/BtronV/3b-browser-800.bmp 23350 10-07-2002 17:31 Btron/BtronV/3btile.bmp 1440054 10-09-2002 23:40 Btron/BtronV/b-right marble.bmp 1662 10-08-2002 23:54 Btron/BtronV/B-right My Computer.ICO 1440054 10-08-2002 20:05 Btron/BtronV/b-right rock.bmp 1440054 10-10-2002 17:45 Btron/BtronV/b-right weave.bmp 1440054 10-09-2002 22:57 Btron/BtronV/b-right.bmp 2359350 10-09-2002 23:20 Btron/BtronV/b-right-v (1024x768).bmp 1440054 10-10-2002 20:59 Btron/BtronV/b-right-v.bmp 2359350 10-09-2002 23:49 Btron/BtronV/b-right-vmarble (1024x768).bmp 1440054 10-10-2002 20:15 Btron/BtronV/b-right-vmarble.bmp 76854 10-09-2002 20:47 Btron/BtronV/b-right-vmarbletile.bmp 2359350 10-10-2002 20:46 Btron/BtronV/b-right-vrock (1024x768).bmp 1440054 10-10-2002 20:18 Btron/BtronV/b-right-vrock.bmp 76854 10-08-2002 17:44 Btron/BtronV/b-right-vrocktile.bmp 81894 10-12-2002 21:02 Btron/BtronV/b-right-vtile.bmp 2359350 10-10-2002 20:35 Btron/BtronV/b-right-vweave (1024x768).bmp 1440054 10-10-2002 20:50 Btron/BtronV/b-right-vweave.bmp 77814 10-07-2002 19:33 Btron/BtronV/b-right-vweavetile.bmp 7358 10-06-2002 10:43 Btron/BtronV/Btron arrow.cur 766 10-06-2002 20:42 Btron/BtronV/Btron Beam.cur 6300 10-10-2002 18:43 Btron/BtronV/Btron Busy.ani 766 10-06-2002 19:17 Btron/BtronV/Btron Cross.cur 766 10-06-2002 15:35 Btron/BtronV/Btron help.cur 766 10-06-2002 16:39 Btron/BtronV/Btron move.cur 1662 10-09-2002 17:35 Btron/BtronV/Btron My Documents.ico 766 10-06-2002 17:58 Btron/BtronV/Btron nesw.cur 2238 10-09-2002 17:28 Btron/BtronV/Btron Network Neighborhood.ico 766 10-06-2002 22:46 Btron/BtronV/Btron No.cur 766 10-06-2002 17:57 Btron/BtronV/Btron nwse.cur 766 10-06-2002 19:48 Btron/BtronV/Btron opaque No.cur 2238 10-09-2002 18:27 Btron/BtronV/Btron Recycle Bin Empty.ico 2238 10-09-2002 18:26 Btron/BtronV/Btron Recycle Bin Full.ico 766 10-06-2002 18:35 Btron/BtronV/Btron Size Ns.cur 766 10-06-2002 18:36 Btron/BtronV/Btron Size We.cur 766 10-06-2002 21:11 Btron/BtronV/Btron Up.cur 3966 10-10-2002 19:15 Btron/BtronV/Btron Wait.ani 2359350 10-07-2002 00:53 Btron/BtronV/Btron1b-v3 (1024x768).bmp 1440054 10-05-2002 21:29 Btron/BtronV/Btron1b-v3.bmp 1440054 10-05-2002 21:36 Btron/BtronV/Btron1b-v3msdos.bmp 76854 10-01-2002 08:36 Btron/BtronV/Btron1b-v3tile.bmp 766 12-07-1999 23:00 Btron/BtronV/Pen_il.cur 7358 10-11-2002 17:55 Btron/BtronV/TiPO My Computer.ICO 1440054 10-11-2002 19:29 Btron/BtronV/tipo.bmp 1440054 10-11-2002 20:36 Btron/BtronV/tipo2.bmp 19818 10-11-2002 22:21 Btron/BtronV/tipotile.bmp 10644 07-18-2002 01:15 Btron/BtronV/utopia open.wav 5004 07-18-2002 01:17 Btron/BtronV/utopia restore down.wav 45944 02-02-1999 12:58 Btron/BtronV/Wo_aster.wav 55650 02-02-1999 12:58 Btron/BtronV/Wo_criti.wav 28324 02-02-1999 12:58 Btron/BtronV/Wo_defau.wav 23968 02-02-1999 12:58 Btron/BtronV/Wo_empty.wav 66434 02-02-1999 12:58 Btron/BtronV/Wo_error.wav 56602 02-02-1999 12:58 Btron/BtronV/Wo_excla.wav 649982 02-02-1999 12:58 Btron/BtronV/Wo_exitw.wav 30560 02-02-1999 12:58 Btron/BtronV/Wo_maxim.wav 12642 02-02-1999 12:58 Btron/BtronV/Wo_menuc.wav 8200 02-02-1999 12:58 Btron/BtronV/Wo_menup.wav 13772 02-02-1999 12:58 Btron/BtronV/Wo_minim.wav 51462 02-02-1999 12:58 Btron/BtronV/Wo_quest.wav 10570 02-02-1999 12:58 Btron/BtronV/Wo_restd.wav 21618 02-02-1999 12:58 Btron/BtronV/Wo_restu.wav 45256 02-02-1999 12:58 Btron/BtronV/Wo_ringi.wav 61096 02-02-1999 12:58 Btron/BtronV/Wo_ringo.wav 553982 02-02-1999 12:59 Btron/BtronV/Wo_start.wav 2232 10-12-2002 23:31 Btron/Readme.txt 5869 10-12-2002 20:43 Btron/TiPO.theme 5860 10-12-2002 20:44 Btron/TiPO2.theme --------- ------- 36595441 78 files

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