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Description: Mythical Sun, Dolphin, Cat, Dragon, and Crab
Category: Art
Release Date: November 27th, 1999
File Size: 872K (872660 bytes)
Downloads: 15 for the past Day (Rank: 2579)
49 for the past Week (Rank: 3298)
Author: Sharon Henry
Content: UNKNOWN
Other Info: UNKNOWN

Length Date Time Name --------- ---------- ----- ---- 5456 10-12-2000 18:01 Celestial Force.theme 2238 10-11-1999 14:12 Folder 1.ico 30464 08-17-1999 17:04 TWINKLE.SCR 3774 10-11-1999 14:06 1.ico 3774 10-11-1999 14:08 2.ico 2998 10-11-1999 14:46 Trash empty.ico 2998 10-11-1999 14:50 Trash full.ico 11438 10-12-1999 08:32 Working in Background.ani 2238 10-12-1999 07:47 Normal Select4.cur 2238 10-12-1999 08:14 Precision Select.cur 2238 10-12-1999 08:21 Help Select.cur 2238 10-12-1999 09:16 Text Select.cur 2238 10-12-1999 08:13 Unavailable.cur 2238 10-12-1999 09:15 Handwriting.cur 2238 10-12-1999 07:53 Move.cur 2238 10-12-1999 09:13 Diagonal Resize 2 (SW-NE).cur 2238 10-12-1999 09:09 Vertical Resize.cur 2238 10-12-1999 09:11 Diagonal Resize 1 (NW-SE).cur 2238 10-12-1999 09:08 Horizontal Resize.cur 2238 10-12-1999 07:50 Alternate Select.cur 33978 10-12-1999 08:23 CF busy.ani 60700 10-12-1999 13:02 Bigdrum1.wav 40538 10-12-1999 12:52 Open program 3.WAV 23130 10-12-1999 12:40 Asterisk.wav 31322 10-12-1999 12:44 Exclamation.WAV 234586 10-12-1999 12:50 Exit Windows.wav 23130 10-12-1999 12:41 Critical Stop.WAV 23130 10-12-1999 12:48 Question.WAV 306266 10-12-1999 12:51 Start Windows.wav 23130 10-12-1999 12:43 Default Sound.WAV 15450 10-12-1999 12:49 Close program.wav 43098 10-12-1999 12:54 maximize.wav 39002 10-12-1999 12:55 minimize.wav 10330 10-12-1999 12:47 Open program.WAV 12890 10-12-1999 12:43 Default Beep.WAV 14426 10-12-1999 13:00 Restore down.WAV 49242 10-12-1999 12:56 Restore up.WAV 66729 10-11-1999 09:52 Celestial Force.jpg 2238 10-11-1999 14:16 Folder 2.ico --------- ------- 1143311 39 files

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