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Description: Slightly Hollow
Category: Outline
Release Date: December 27th, 2002
File Size: 50K (50860 bytes)
Downloads: 86 for the past Day (Rank: 3489)
189 for the past Week (Rank: 2159)
Copyright notice: A Freeware Creation from Unauthorized Type
Font family: Slightly Hollow
Font subfamily: Regular
Unique ID: Swollen Slightly
Full name: Slightly Hollow
Version: Version 100 11/23/97
PostScript name: SlightlyHollow
Trademark: UnAuthorized Type
: UnAuthorized Type
: Ben McGehee
Font family: This version includes upper and lowercase letters, punctuation, and a few international characters I also included some UA Type dingbats (just to amuse myself, and so you don't get those annoying boxes when you type something that isn't in the font)This could be considered an alternative to Swollen Slightly, since it was based on it Or maybe you would call it a variation Some people may think it's really cool Some people will not Thank you for taking the time to download this and read my ramblings
Font family: http://wwwlatechedu/~bmcgehee/untype/indexhtm
Font family: mailto:bmcgehee@engrlatechedu
Font family: You use this font in any way that you see fit If you distribute it, I would like for the readme text file to accompany it (That's just so they know who made it) You may distribute it on CD, disk, or any other medium, but you may not sell it
Vendor ID: 'MACR'
modified: Mon Nov 24 20:24:45 1997
Character Count: 118
PANOSE: 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Weight: Normal/Regular
Width: Medium/Normal (100%)
Unicode Range 1: Basic Latin; Latin-1 Supplement;
Unicode Range 2:
Unicode Range 3:
Unicode Range 4:
Windows codepage Range 1: 1252 Latin 1;
Windows codepage Range 2:

NOTE: Please refer all issues to its author. Visit our Support Section for instructions on how to install this file. Linking to this page is permitted, but not to our preview images. Only authors and copyright owners have exclusive rights to reproduce these images. Want to use a Font commercially? Please contact its author to make sure, even if it's freeware.
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