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Description: Top Speed Heavy
Category: Futuristic
Release Date: December 27th, 2002
File Size: 24K (24710 bytes)
Downloads: 235 for the past Day (Rank: 136)
408 for the past Week (Rank: 202)
Copyright notice: Copyright 1997 Jason Vanderhill
Font family: Top Speed Heavy
Font subfamily: Regular
Unique ID: Top Speed Heavy
Full name: Top Speed Heavy
Version: Version 141
PostScript name: TopSpeedHeavy
: Jason Vanderhill
: Jason Vanderhill
Font family: Top Speed Version 141Released as Shareware December 1997Copyright 1997 Jason VanderhillTop Speed is inspired by a certain metal badge seen on the flanks of the finest coachbuilt automobiles in the world It is a complete alphabet, albeit all lower case at the moment, based on the letters p, i, n, f, a, and rTop Speed Version 141 is currently available as shareware For $10, you are entitled to a single-user licence for Top Speed Normal, Top Speed Outline, and Top Speed HeavyPlease send a cheque or money order to: Jason Vanderhill RR #1 Dorchester, ON N0L 1G4 canadaFeel free to email me at vanderhr@skyiacom___________________________________about Top Speed___________________________________Top Speed is strictly a display typeface, and should be used for no more than one line--preferably only one or two words--at a time The most distinctive feature of Top Speed is the fact that all the letterforms are connected to each other To maintain this look, all the characters have tails The forward-slash character (and underline character) can be inserted between words instead of using the space bar, maintaining the continuous baseline The back-slash character is a somewhat shorter connector; the '|' key is a slightly longer connector To begin your word or line of text, you should insert a small version of the baseline, which is the "<" character This will start off your type with an appropriate "tail" To finish off your line of type, use the ">" character, as it will end your tail at the appropriate distance These characters are more necessary in the Outline version of the font Top Speed may require minor kerning adjustment with some characters Because each letter must be placed EXACTLY next to the following letter, (Top Speed Normal and Heavy are slightly more forgiving) you might notice a sliver appear between an occasional pair of letters There are no differences in the capital letters except for the letter F The capital letter F does not continue along the baseline, but instead it can run into certain letters (typically, the a, o, or u) through it's horizontal crossed stroke The Outline version of the capital F contains an extra bit of black This fills up the "hole" left at the beginning of the next character If the capital F is used to end a word or sentence using Top Speed Outline, that little speck will have to somehow be creatively covered upTop Speed is my first computer designed typeface It was created completely in CorelDraw 7 Since this was my first font, I did stumble through the whole process a bit, and as a result, it does contain the odd imperfection For example, I am not sure how to get my apostrophes and quotation marks to work Currently, the null character is inserted instead In a way, it's a bit of a handmade product I began the font in the spring, basically ignored it all summer, and then finished it in the fall Mostly, it has been fun I hope you enjoy it___________________________________The typeface name 'Top Speed' has been registered at the Goudy International Typeface Center in Rochester, New York, 1997 This font may not be sold or modified without my consent Top Speed may not be distributed without this text file (or embedded description)___________________________________===================================Thanks: Kikita Eric Wiley Fredi Valentini Laurence Penney J Kimble Rigney Jim Marsteller Lightwings@aol Stu Henlis Vince Ondrade Derek Timmerman Jeff Harris Nicole Fritz===================================
Font family: mailto:vanderhr@skyiacom
Font family: mailto:vanderhr@skyiacom
modified: Wed Dec 10 20:50:19 1997
Character Count: 91
Weight: Undefined
Width: Undefined

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