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Description: White Rabbit
Category: Modern Stylish (monospaced characters)
Release Date: December 27th, 2002
File Size: 6K (6356 bytes)
Downloads: 65 for the past Day (Rank: 2440)
156 for the past Week (Rank: 2956)
Copyright notice: Copyright © 1999 by Matthew Welch All Rights Reserved
Font family: White Rabbit
Font subfamily: Regular
Unique ID: White Rabbit:Version 100
Full name: White Rabbit
Version: Version 100
PostScript name: WhiteRabbit
Trademark: White Rabbit™ Trademark of Matthew Welch
: I Shot the Serif
: Matthew Welch
Font family: White Rabbit is reminiscent of the characters displayed on all those old low-res terminal screens Smoothed out and cleaned up for 1999, this is the font to use for all your computing applications
Font family: http://homeattnet/~daffy-duck
Font family: http://homeattnet/~daffy-duck
Font family: White Rabbit, like all of my fonts, is free You can use it for most personal or business uses you'd like, and I ask for no money I would, however, like to hear from you If you use my fonts for something please send me a postcard or e-mail letting me know how you used it Send me a copy if you can or let me know where I can find your workYou may use this font for graphical or printed work, but you may not sell it or include it in a collection of fonts (on CD or otherwise) being sold You can redistribute this font as long as you charge nothing to receive it If you redistribute it include this text file with it as is (without modifications)If you use this font for commercial purposes please credit me in at least some little way
Vendor ID: 'sfty'
modified: Thu May 06 18:10:46 1999
Character Count: 101
PANOSE: 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0
Weight: Normal/Regular
Width: Medium/Normal (100%)
Unicode Range 1: Basic Latin; Latin-1 Supplement; Latin Extended-A;
Unicode Range 2:
Unicode Range 3:
Unicode Range 4:
Windows codepage Range 1: 1252 Latin 1; 1250 Latin 2: Eastern Europe; 1251 Cyrillic; 1253 Greek; 1254 Turkish; 1255 Hebrew; 1256 Arabic; 1257 Windows Baltic;
Windows codepage Range 2: 850 WE/Latin 1; 437 US;

NOTE: Please refer all issues to its author. Visit our Support Section for instructions on how to install this file. Linking to this page is permitted, but not to our preview images. Only authors and copyright owners have exclusive rights to reproduce these images. Want to use a Font commercially? Please contact its author to make sure, even if it's freeware.
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