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Archive:  /home/mxlrbwyl1ac8/themeworld/fonts/
  Length      Date    Time    Name
---------  ---------- -----   ----
    19996  02-04-2001 00:52   D3Egoistism/D3Egoistism_o_l.TTF
    16528  02-04-2001 02:53   D3Egoistism/D3Egoistism_e.TTF
    16520  02-04-2001 02:48   D3Egoistism/D3Egoistism_l.TTF
    22460  02-04-2001 00:54   D3Egoistism/D3Egoistism_o.TTF
    20116  02-04-2001 02:47   D3Egoistism/D3Egoistism_o_e.TTF
    16084  02-04-2001 02:47   D3Egoistism/D3Egoistism.TTF
     2155  04-06-2001 06:02   D3Egoistism/readme_f.htm
---------                     -------
   113859                     7 files

Description: D3 Egoistism
Category: Thick and Straight
Release Date: November 4th, 2003
File Size: 46K (46243 bytes)
Downloads: 497 for the past Day (Rank: 77)
929 for the past Week (Rank: 78)
Copyright notice: (C)1999-2000 DigitalDreamDesign.All Rights Reserved.
Font family: D3 Egoistism
Font subfamily: Regular
Unique ID: D3 Egoistism
Full name: D3 Egoistism
Version: 1.0
PostScript name: D3 Egoistism
Trademark: D3 Egoistism
Vendor ID: 'TAKE'
modified: (Date stamp is zero)
Character Count: 221
PANOSE: 2 11 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Weight: Normal/Regular
Width: Medium/Normal (100%)
Unicode Range 1: Basic Latin; IPA Extensions;
Unicode Range 2:
Unicode Range 3:
Unicode Range 4:
Windows codepage Range 1: 1252 Latin 1; 1250 Latin 2: Eastern Europe; 1251 Cyrillic; 1253 Greek; 1254 Turkish; 1257 Windows Baltic; OEM Character Set;
Windows codepage Range 2: 869 IBM Greek; 866 MS-DOS Russian; 865 MS-DOS Nordic; 863 MS-DOS Canadian French; 861 MS-DOS Icelandic; 860 MS-DOS Portuguese; 857 IBM Turkish; 855 IBM Cyrillic; 852 Latin 2; 775 MS-DOS Baltic; 737 Greek; former 437 G; 850 WE/Latin 1; 437 US;

NOTE: Please refer all issues to its author. Visit our Support Section for instructions on how to install this file. Linking to this page is permitted, but not to our preview images. Only authors and copyright owners have exclusive rights to reproduce these images. Want to use a Font commercially? Please contact its author to make sure, even if it's freeware.
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