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Description: Animated 3D Objects v3.3
Category: Miscellaneous
Release Date: May 8th, 2000
File Size: 1343K (1374309 bytes)
Downloads: 4 for the past Day (Rank: 1584)
37 for the past Week (Rank: 615)
No ownership details available. Please let us know if you created this file.

Archive:  /home/mxlrbwyl1ac8/themeworld/savers/
  Length      Date    Time    Name
---------  ---------- -----   ----
    21967  11-07-1997 11:47   American.jp_
     1023  11-07-1997 11:47   badimage.jp_
     7740  11-07-1997 11:47   bigstone.jp_
    29357  11-07-1997 11:47   Chapeau.jp_
     2372  11-07-1997 11:47   chrome.jp_
    25833  11-07-1997 11:47   Coquelic.jp_
    13969  11-07-1997 11:47   earth.jp_
     5374  11-07-1997 11:45   execute.ex_
    30199  11-07-1997 11:47   family.jp_
    17692  11-07-1997 11:44   fienu.dl_
     7203  11-07-1997 11:44   fienu.hl_
     1239  05-12-1998 10:36   file_id.diz
    19931  11-07-1997 11:47   Ginevra.jp_
    61670  11-07-1997 11:47   GLU32.DL_
    13382  11-07-1997 11:47   granite.jp_
    34814  11-07-1997 11:47   LaLoge.jp_
     4227  05-11-1998 16:02   license.txt
    33821  11-07-1997 11:47   Luncheon.jp_
    19764  11-07-1997 11:47   Masters.jp_
    17769  11-07-1997 11:47   MonaLisa.jp_
     3838  11-07-1997 11:47   movexe.ex_
   293676  11-07-1997 11:47   OPENGL32.DL_
      857  05-11-1998 16:02   order.tx_
     8620  11-07-1997 11:47   parquet.jp_
    15063  05-11-1998 16:08   read_me.txt
    28705  11-07-1997 11:47   Romaine.jp_
   195819  05-12-1998 14:49   setup.exe
    68125  04-14-1998 18:50   SS_I.hl_
   402703  05-11-1998 15:19   SS_I.sc_
     6596  11-07-1997 11:47   steel.jp_
     2561  05-11-1998 16:09   vendor.txt
       56  11-07-1997 11:47   web_page.txt
     2406  05-11-1998 16:09   whatsnew.txt
    21576  11-07-1997 11:47   wife.jp_
---------                     -------
  1419947                     34 files

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