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Description: Space 1999 (1970's tv show)
Category: TV Shows
Release Date: September 11th, 1996
File Size: 728K (728390 bytes)
Downloads: 8 for the past Day (Rank: 1414)
56 for the past Week (Rank: 1247)
Author: André Parent
Content: UNKNOWN
Other Info: UNKNOWN

Length Date Time Name --------- ---------- ----- ---- 374690 06-02-1996 21:24 Space 1999 startup.WAV 8538 06-02-1996 21:20 Space 1999 restore up.wav 8538 06-02-1996 21:19 Space 1999 restore down.wav 29628 02-04-1996 20:31 Space 1999 question.wav 22642 06-02-1996 20:20 Space 1999 program error.wav 2650 06-02-1996 21:08 Space 1999 open program.wav 3162 06-02-1996 20:58 Space 1999 minimize.wav 30482 06-05-1996 21:27 Space 1999 menu popup.wav 10348 06-02-1996 20:26 Space 1999 menu command.wav 3162 06-02-1996 20:57 Space 1999 maximize.wav 36486 06-02-1996 20:30 Space 1999 exit windows.wav 26904 06-02-1996 20:30 Space 1999 empty recycle bin.wav 12378 06-02-1996 21:18 Space 1999 default sound.wav 17234 06-02-1996 20:25 Space 1999 critical stop.wav 2650 06-02-1996 21:08 Space 1999 close program.wav 11610 06-02-1996 20:53 Space 1999 asterisk.wav 62144 05-04-1996 14:36 future.ttf 11822 06-01-1996 21:36 Space 1999 Busy.ani 22545 05-13-1996 21:57 FTPSTRPS.TTF 41640 06-20-1995 08:00 COMPSTYL.TTF 2102 07-09-1996 10:10 readme.txt 129078 06-12-1996 10:17 logos.sys 66574 06-01-1996 20:31 Space 1999 Wallpaper.jpg 766 05-08-1996 11:29 Space 1999 Recycle Full.ico 766 05-08-1996 11:25 Space 1999 Recycle Empty.ico 766 05-08-1996 11:18 Space 1999 Network Neighborhood.ico 766 06-11-1996 10:08 Space 1999 My Computer.ico 766 05-19-1996 21:39 Space 1999 Hard drive.ico 4758 06-03-1996 10:08 Space 1999 (256 colors).Theme 2238 06-01-1996 22:41 Space 1999 Help.cur 2238 06-01-1996 22:56 Space 1999 Crosshair.cur 2238 06-01-1996 22:38 Space 1999 Arrow.cur 630 06-02-1996 15:31 ALPHALOG.bmp 6260 05-20-1996 11:07 Space 1999 Wait.ani 37432 08-18-1995 06:00 FUTURAL.TTF 766 06-11-1996 10:07 Space 1999 Shutdown.ico 766 06-02-1996 16:09 Space 1999 search.ico 766 06-02-1996 16:21 Space 1999 programs.ico 766 06-02-1996 16:07 Space 1999 open folder.ico 766 06-02-1996 16:37 Space 1999 music cd.ico 766 06-02-1996 16:03 Space 1999 folder.ico 766 06-02-1996 16:43 Space 1999 drive (35).ico 766 06-02-1996 16:17 Space 1999 document.ico 766 06-02-1996 16:39 Space 1999 CD drive.ico 766 05-08-1996 16:35 Space 1999 The internet.ico --------- ------- 1004291 45 files

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