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For Windows & Mac

Description: Beta version of Windows 2000
Category: Computers
Release Date: November 27th, 1999
File Size: 783K (783899 bytes)
Downloads: 10 for the past Day (Rank: 461)
70 for the past Week (Rank: 417)
Author: Marco Van Hirtum
Content: UNKNOWN
Other Info: UNKNOWN

Length Date Time Name --------- ---------- ----- ---- 6401 11-22-1999 12:11 Beta 2000 (800x600).Theme 6319 11-22-1999 12:10 Beta 2000 (1024x768).Theme 5494 05-29-1999 08:09 Beta Pen.cur 63406 06-28-1999 23:03 Beta Mail.wav 36652 06-28-1999 23:19 Beta Empty Bin.wav 5494 05-29-1999 08:09 Beta Text.cur 99076 06-12-1999 13:47 Beta No.ani 100716 05-29-1999 11:51 Beta Exit.wav 62022 11-18-1999 23:37 Beta Wallpaper 800x600.jpg 20378 11-22-1999 02:49 Beta Busy.ani 129080 11-19-1999 11:55 Logow.bmp 11126 06-02-1999 00:33 Beta Network.ico 5348 06-02-1999 08:16 Beta Asterix.wav 3177 11-22-1999 12:05 ReadMe.txt 19180 06-28-1999 22:52 Beta Program Start.wav 8624 05-23-1999 23:51 Beta Exclamation.wav 34650 06-28-1999 23:02 Beta Critical.wav 18816 05-29-1999 11:51 Beta Maximize.wav 23184 05-24-1999 10:58 Beta Program Error.wav 129080 11-19-1999 11:56 Logos.bmp 129080 11-19-1999 11:54 Logo.bmp 99076 06-12-1999 13:46 Beta Help.ani 15722 05-23-1999 18:49 Beta Restore Down.wav 9084 06-12-1999 13:46 Beta Horizontal.ani 99076 06-12-1999 13:47 Beta Normal.ani 9084 06-12-1999 13:47 Beta Move.ani 93982 05-24-1999 10:59 Beta Start.wav 11126 06-02-1999 00:42 Beta FullBin.ico 44114 05-24-1999 00:23 Beta Default.wav 15722 05-23-1999 18:49 Beta Minimize.wav 11126 06-02-1999 00:27 Beta My Computer.ico 11126 05-28-1999 22:59 Beta My Documents.ico 11126 05-23-1999 23:16 Beta EmptyBin.ico 9084 06-24-1999 22:15 Beta Diag 1.ani 5494 05-29-1999 08:09 Beta Precision.cur 27916 05-23-1999 18:50 Beta Question.wav 18816 05-29-1999 11:51 Beta Restore Up.wav 9084 06-12-1999 13:48 Beta Vertical.ani 5494 06-26-1999 17:31 Beta Alternate.cur 86367 11-18-1999 23:36 Beta Wallpaper 1024x768.jpg 9084 06-24-1999 22:14 Beta Diag 2.ani 839 11-19-1999 11:04 wvline.gif 22688 11-20-1999 12:01 Beta Working.ani 8461 11-22-1999 11:58 e-mail.gif 12835 11-21-1999 23:17 wvlogo.gif 151256 11-21-1999 23:04 wvleft.bmp --------- ------- 1715085 46 files

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