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Description: Oingo Boingo (band)
Category: Music
Release Date: October 16th, 1999
File Size: 3247K (3247106 bytes)
Downloads: 5 for the past Day (Rank: 4626)
27 for the past Week (Rank: 8055)
Author: Caje
Content: UNKNOWN
Other Info: UNKNOWN

Length Date Time Name --------- ---------- ----- ---- 745 09-24-1999 23:01 caje_message.txt 3164 01-25-1996 17:09 Boingo Busy.ani 111212 02-08-1996 12:54 Boingo Critical Stop.wav 73516 02-08-1996 12:55 Boingo Default Sound.wav 168308 02-08-1996 12:53 Boingo Empty Recycle Bin.wav 41066 02-08-1996 12:55 Boingo Exclaimation.wav 570776 02-08-1996 12:52 Boingo Exit Windows.wav 42220 02-08-1996 12:56 Boingo Menu Command.wav 25922 02-08-1996 12:57 Boingo Menu Popup.wav 2238 06-05-1998 17:16 Boingo My Computer.ico 766 02-08-1996 13:15 Boingo Network Neighborhood.ico 82394 02-26-1996 12:32 Boingo Program Error.wav 100902 02-08-1996 12:56 Boingo Question.wav 766 01-26-1996 12:08 Boingo Recycle Bin Full.ico 766 01-26-1996 11:45 Boingo Recycle Bin.ico 93676 02-08-1996 12:56 Boingo Restore Down.wav 93372 02-08-1996 12:57 Boingo Restore Up.wav 373816 02-08-1996 12:48 Boingo Start Windows.wav 6260 01-26-1996 12:19 Boingo Working In Background.ani 58374 09-24-1999 23:40 Boingo WVLEFT.bmp 2522 01-10-1998 22:54 Boingo-Alternate select.ani 1632056 09-24-1999 22:54 boingobg.bmp 2526 01-11-1998 00:16 Boingo-Diagonal resize 1.ani 3276 01-11-1998 00:18 Boingo-Diagonal resize 2.ani 3312 01-11-1998 21:17 Boingo-Handwriting.ani 2528 06-13-1998 13:45 Boingo-Help select.ani 2532 01-11-1998 00:24 Boingo-Horizontal resize.ani 2524 01-11-1998 00:27 Boingo-Move.ani 766 07-27-1998 21:29 Boingo-Normal select.cur 4612 07-18-1998 22:54 Boingo-Precision select.ani 766 01-11-1998 21:29 Boingo-Text select.cur 5652 01-11-1998 21:26 Boingo-Unavailable.ani 2520 01-11-1998 00:29 Boingo-Vertical resize.ani 1382454 09-24-1999 21:40 boisilk.bmp 113436 02-08-1996 12:54 Boingo Asterisk.wav 5803 09-24-1999 23:23 Boingo.Theme 828 09-24-1999 23:44 Boingo WVLINE.gif 19600 09-24-1999 18:08 Boingo WVLOGO.GIF --------- ------- 5037972 38 files

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