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Description: X-Files - Fight the Future (movie)
Category: Movies
Release Date: March 20th, 1999
File Size: 777K (777530 bytes)
Downloads: 4 for the past Day (Rank: 5879)
50 for the past Week (Rank: 1812)
Content: UNKNOWN
Other Info: UNKNOWN

Length Date Time Name --------- ---------- ----- ---- 4534 06-14-1998 14:45 network.ico 1632 06-17-1998 21:04 crosshair.ani 3774 06-14-1998 14:45 empty.ico 70234 06-14-1998 12:33 empty.wav 53722 06-14-1998 12:31 error.wav 185826 06-22-1998 12:58 exit.wav 7660 06-22-1998 13:03 FightThe Future.theme 3774 06-14-1998 14:46 full.ico 10330 06-15-1998 17:55 maximize.wav 14524 06-15-1998 17:54 minimize.wav 1632 06-17-1998 21:11 nesw.ani 29402 06-17-1998 19:16 busy.ani 1632 06-17-1998 21:15 no.ani 1632 06-17-1998 21:23 ns.ani 1632 06-17-1998 21:14 nwse.ani 33466 06-20-1998 14:43 popup.wav 39258 06-14-1998 13:25 question.wav 540 06-19-1998 16:15 Readme.txt 2238 06-17-1998 19:25 reg.cur 31706 06-14-1998 12:35 select.wav 1632 06-17-1998 21:19 up.ani 1632 06-17-1998 21:18 we.ani 1632 06-17-1998 18:40 working.ani 941654 06-15-1998 18:25 xfiles.bmp 21036 02-27-1996 07:10 XFILES.TTF 3774 06-14-1998 14:46 xfmycomp.ico 388698 06-22-1998 13:01 xfstart.wav --------- ------- 1859206 27 files

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