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Description: Fishing teddy bears
Category: Miscellaneous
Release Date: June 9th, 2001
File Size: 2992K (2992244 bytes)
Downloads: 5 for the past Day (Rank: 4263)
25 for the past Week (Rank: 8467)
Author: Tommico
Other Info: UNKNOWN

Length Date Time Name --------- ---------- ----- ---- 6766 05-10-2001 21:53 My Computer.ico 2238 05-10-2001 22:01 net neighborhood.ico 2238 05-10-2001 21:59 recycle full.ico 2238 05-10-2001 21:58 recycle empty.ico 49930 05-06-2001 21:50 mainpoint.ani 68830 05-06-2001 22:30 help.ani 101656 05-06-2001 22:24 working.ani 29618 05-06-2001 22:22 busy.ani 68830 05-06-2001 22:32 unavail.ani 21034 05-06-2001 22:04 vert move.ani 19774 05-06-2001 22:03 hori move.ani 76474 05-06-2001 22:16 cross hair.ani 68902 05-06-2001 22:28 write.ani 43630 05-06-2001 22:11 move diag left.ani 43630 05-06-2001 22:13 move diag right.ani 76474 05-06-2001 22:43 move.ani 221760 05-06-2001 11:43 bearsfish.jpg 23354 05-10-2001 19:43 default.wav 100494 05-10-2001 20:10 Program Error.wav 1600 05-10-2001 20:13 Maximize.wav 38456 05-10-2001 19:18 pop Up menu.wav 4580 05-10-2001 20:13 Minimize.wav 2080 05-10-2001 19:59 close program.wav 90628 05-10-2001 20:08 Restore Down.wav 90628 05-10-2001 20:09 Restore up.wav 11648 05-10-2001 19:55 Asterisk.WAV 76616 05-10-2001 20:06 exclamation.WAV 590884 05-10-2001 20:50 exit windows.wav 21420 05-10-2001 20:02 Critical stop.wav 605088 05-10-2001 20:25 Start Windows.wav 20462 05-10-2001 20:04 Empty bin.wav 123 05-11-2001 20:39 readme 4363 05-11-2001 20:40 fishingteddybears.theme 384054 05-10-2001 22:30 logo.sys 384054 05-10-2001 22:32 logow.sys 384054 05-10-2001 22:31 logos.sys --------- ------- 3738608 36 files

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