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Description: Golden Angel
Category: Miscellaneous
Release Date: November 1st, 1999
File Size: 3175K (3175652 bytes)
Downloads: 3 for the past Day (Rank: 2833)
28 for the past Week (Rank: 6744)
Author: LaGiraffa
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Content: UNKNOWN
Other Info: UNKNOWN

Length Date Time Name --------- ---------- ----- ---- 48825 10-16-1999 17:07 GoldenAngel WVLOGO.GIF 7030 10-16-1999 17:41 GoldenAngel.Theme 129930 10-16-1999 16:53 GoldenAngel WVLEFT.BMP 86158 10-16-1999 13:06 GoldenProgramOpen.wav 135818 10-16-1999 13:04 GoldenMinimize.wav 38030 10-16-1999 13:01 GoldenExclamation.wav 116338 10-16-1999 12:59 GoldenProgramError.wav 429580 10-16-1999 12:56 GoldenEmptyRecycle.wav 79132 10-16-1999 12:53 GoldenDefault.wav 352398 10-16-1999 12:51 GoldenCriticalStop.wav 405090 10-16-1999 12:50 GoldenWindowsClose.wav 33912 10-16-1999 12:48 GoldenProgramClose.wav 73566 10-16-1999 12:47 GoldenAsterisk.wav 173940 10-16-1999 12:44 GoldenRingOut.wav 78146 10-16-1999 12:42 GoldenRingIn.wav 123930 10-16-1999 12:41 GoldenRestoreUp.wav 98466 10-16-1999 12:38 GoldenRestoreDown.wav 176016 10-16-1999 12:37 GoldenQuestion.wav 473230 10-16-1999 12:34 GoldenOpenWindows.wav 82666 10-16-1999 12:29 GoldenNewMail.wav 18130 10-16-1999 12:24 GoldenMenuPopup.wav 28360 10-16-1999 12:23 GoldenMenuCommand.wav 41688 10-16-1999 12:20 GoldenMaximize.wav 8628 10-15-1999 15:38 GoldenAngelLogos.GID 328287 10-15-1999 15:37 GoldenAngelLogos.exe 18755 10-15-1999 15:37 GoldenAngelLogos.hlp 2238 10-15-1999 15:32 GoldenPrecision.cur 29580 10-15-1999 15:28 GoldenNESW.ani 29580 10-15-1999 15:28 GoldenNWSE.ani 11354 10-15-1999 15:19 GoldenText.ani 59076 10-15-1999 15:07 GoldenNO.ani 66450 10-15-1999 14:13 GoldenHelp.ani 129078 10-15-1999 13:38 Logos.sys 132816 10-15-1999 13:29 GoldenBusy.ani 22206 10-15-1999 09:59 GoldenWait.ani 129098 10-15-1999 09:32 Logo.sys 129098 10-15-1999 09:15 Logow.sys 71583 10-12-1999 23:05 GoldenAngel.jpg 7358 10-12-1999 18:11 GoldenMove.cur 22206 10-12-1999 16:18 GoldenNS.ani 22206 10-12-1999 16:08 GoldenEW.ani 22206 10-12-1999 15:47 GoldenNW.ani 29580 10-12-1999 00:28 GoldenAlt.ani 951 10-12-1999 00:02 GoldenAngel WVLINE.GIF 20742 10-11-1999 15:25 GoldenTrashFull.ico 21630 10-11-1999 15:17 GoldenTrashEmpty.ico 21630 10-11-1999 15:11 GoldenMyDocuments.ico 21630 10-11-1999 15:08 GoldenNeighborhoodNetwork.ico 21630 10-11-1999 15:05 GoldenMyComputer.ico 49708 08-06-1996 00:00 lcallig.ttf 2176 10-16-1999 17:49 ReadMe.txt 4602 10-16-1999 18:00 GoldenAngelPreview.jpg --------- ------- 4666461 52 files

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