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Description: Initial D (street racing anime)
Category: Japanese Anime
Release Date: April 13th, 2002
File Size: 4174K (4174410 bytes)
Downloads: 1 for the past Day (Rank: 6807)
33 for the past Week (Rank: 4778)
No ownership details available. Please let us know if you created this file.

Length Date Time Name --------- ---------- ----- ---- 14972 03-05-1999 18:09 InitialD/Asterisk.wav 8154 02-08-2002 01:05 InitialD/battlestage01.bmp 221158 02-08-2002 01:21 InitialD/FD&FC.jpg 9170 09-19-1998 13:19 InitialD/Gran Turismo Asterisk.wav 118324 09-19-1998 12:57 InitialD/Gran Turismo Empty Recycle Bin .wav 10353 09-19-1998 13:37 InitialD/Gran Turismo Program Error.wav 5410 12-25-1998 14:44 InitialD/gtrlogos.ico 16614 09-15-1998 10:04 InitialD/hondaicon1.ico 16614 09-15-1998 10:03 InitialD/hondaicon2.ico 569864 02-08-2002 01:35 InitialD/Initial D Exit.wav 384430 02-08-2002 01:42 InitialD/Initial D intro.wav 151332 02-07-2002 20:48 InitialD/Initial D Night Fever.wav 226054 02-08-2002 01:41 InitialD/Initial D Nights.wav 6454 02-08-2002 01:56 InitialD/Initial D.Theme 204634 02-08-2002 01:21 InitialD/Levin v Trueno.jpg 46982 02-07-2002 21:22 InitialD/menu command.wav 22108 02-04-1998 19:46 InitialD/menu popup.wav 45229 03-04-1999 16:47 InitialD/minimize.wav 265942 02-08-2002 01:22 InitialD/nightkids.jpg 546718 02-07-2002 17:56 InitialD/ 182444 02-08-2002 01:40 InitialD/No Sleep.wav 294678 02-08-2002 01:21 InitialD/poster.jpg 21056 03-05-1999 22:30 InitialD/Question.wav 17696 03-05-1999 18:14 InitialD/Restore up.wav 10866 02-08-2002 01:05 InitialD/rx7fc3s.bmp 6454 02-08-2002 01:06 InitialD/rx7fd3s.bmp 7622 02-08-2002 01:08 InitialD/silvia.bmp 8886 02-08-2002 01:05 InitialD/skyline.bmp 6966 12-25-1998 14:37 InitialD/skyliner34gtt.ico 327788 02-08-2002 01:22 InitialD/Takumi & Trueno.jpg 234269 02-08-2002 01:22 InitialD/takumi.jpg 8874 02-08-2002 01:05 InitialD/trueno.bmp 355174 02-08-2002 01:22 InitialD/Trueno86.jpg 6966 12-25-1998 14:55 InitialD/Turbo Meter.ico 16614 09-15-1998 10:01 InitialD/typericon1.ico 16614 09-15-1998 21:53 InitialD/typericon2.ico 0 02-08-2002 01:56 InitialD/ 60736 12-06-1995 11:00 WINDOWS/Fonts/BLAKLITN.TTF 17772 03-27-1996 09:37 WINDOWS/Fonts/YAZATA.TTF 619 02-08-2002 02:14 initiald.txt --------- ------- 4492610 40 files

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