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Description: Jacques Villeneuve (Formula 1 driver)
Category: Sports
Release Date: February 2nd, 1998
File Size: 600K (600054 bytes)
Downloads: 5 for the past Day (Rank: 4074)
39 for the past Week (Rank: 3728)
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Length Date Time Name --------- ---------- ----- ---- 124226 03-03-1996 22:09 start.wav 41704 07-31-1995 09:50 Skid1.wav 8966 07-09-1992 19:26 reduire.WAV 17160 07-30-1992 09:00 RATLSTK.WAV 13236 10-20-1994 16:39 QUESTION.WAV 33586 03-24-1993 01:00 Niveau superieur.wav 4839 04-02-1992 02:16 Niveau inferieur.wav 2196 04-20-1992 03:10 Menu commande.wav 1740 07-05-1994 08:54 Menu automatique.wav 53328 08-18-1993 15:41 FLUSH.WAV 17903 07-30-1992 09:00 Exclamation.wav 23956 09-04-1992 14:25 Corbeille.wav 9244 08-09-1992 13:21 Asterisque.wav 6530 07-30-1992 09:00 Arret critique.wav 766 07-14-1995 00:00 beam.cur 71436 02-16-1996 23:55 A la conquete du monde.wav 102250 03-08-1997 01:02 Jacques.jpg 3486 03-11-1997 19:50 RESEAU.ICO 3030 03-11-1997 19:55 Network.ico 2238 11-21-1996 11:10 JV Corbeille vide.ico 2238 11-21-1996 11:12 JV Corbeille pleine.ico 11886 07-08-1996 12:34 CASQUE.ICO 129092 02-12-1997 18:55 logow.sys 129092 02-12-1997 18:55 logos.sys 129092 02-12-1997 18:55 logo.sys 3475 01-25-1998 00:55 jv.theme 2502 01-08-1997 10:00 Vertical Resize.ani 5636 01-08-1997 09:58 Unavailable.ani 2514 01-08-1997 09:53 Move.ani 7856 11-13-1996 01:55 JV work in background.ani 7856 11-13-1996 01:55 JV busy.ani 2504 01-08-1997 09:51 Horizontal Resize.ani 3292 01-08-1997 09:49 Help Select.ani 3302 01-08-1997 09:56 Handwriting.ani 3266 01-08-1997 09:45 Diagonal Resize 2.ani 2516 01-08-1997 09:43 Diagonal Resize 1.ani 7942 01-08-1997 09:38 Busy Background.ani 2512 01-08-1997 09:41 Alternate Select.ani 766 01-08-1997 10:16 Normal Select.cur 2238 10-01-1996 18:54 Help Select.cur 766 07-14-1995 00:00 cross.cur 7500 08-25-1994 15:34 AGRANDIR.WAV --------- ------- 1009663 42 files

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