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Description: Mancubus - based on their new CD
Category: Music
Release Date: December 26th, 1999
File Size: 540K (540400 bytes)
Downloads: 4 for the past Day (Rank: 5545)
34 for the past Week (Rank: 5240)
Author: Brandon Duncan
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Content: Morbin Records
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Other Info: UNKNOWN

Length Date Time Name --------- ---------- ----- ---- 2494 12-19-1999 00:29 Mancubus-My Documents 114439 12-18-1999 22:32 Mancubus Wallpaper-1024x768.jpg 46273 12-18-1999 22:33 Mancubus Wallpaper-640x480.jpg 54576 11-25-1999 13:35 Mancubus-Empty Recycle Bin.wav 65262 11-25-1999 13:47 Mancubus-Exit Windows.wav 2494 12-18-1999 21:55 Mancubus-My Computer 2494 12-19-1999 00:28 Mancubus-Network Neighborhood 2494 12-18-1999 22:13 Mancubus-Recycle Bin (empty) 2494 12-18-1999 22:18 Mancubus-Recycle Bin (full) 60910 11-24-1999 23:17 Mancubus-Start Windows.wav 11750 05-11-1998 19:01 Windows 98 asterisk.wav 28922 05-11-1998 19:01 Windows 98 beep.wav 64038 05-11-1998 19:01 Windows 98 critical stop.wav 29938 05-11-1998 19:01 Windows 98 default sound.wav 13924 05-11-1998 19:01 Windows 98 exclamation.wav 11330 05-11-1998 19:01 Windows 98 maximize.wav 9978 05-11-1998 19:01 Windows 98 menu command.wav 6278 05-11-1998 19:01 Windows 98 menu popup.wav 38788 05-11-1998 19:01 Windows 98 minimize.wav 34474 05-11-1998 19:01 Windows 98 program error.wav 8336 05-11-1998 19:01 Windows 98 question.wav 13580 05-11-1998 19:01 Windows 98 restore down.wav 9992 05-11-1998 19:01 Windows 98 restore up.wav 5482 12-19-1999 00:33 Mancubus Theme (High Color).Theme 816 12-19-1999 00:37 Readme.txt 70090 12-18-1999 23:51 Mancubus Wallpaper-800x600.jpg --------- ------- 711646 26 files

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