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Description: Steve Morse (Dixie Dregs guitarist)
Category: Music
Release Date: June 25th, 1998
File Size: 2174K (2174133 bytes)
Downloads: 2 for the past Day (Rank: 8278)
26 for the past Week (Rank: 8166)
Author: Daniel Sandler
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Content: UNKNOWN
Other Info: UNKNOWN

Length Date Time Name --------- ---------- ----- ---- 4531 06-11-1998 11:02 Steve Morse.theme 129078 06-11-1998 11:08 logos.sys 129078 06-11-1998 11:08 logow.sys 216937 06-10-1998 19:24 Morse.JPG 78402 06-11-1998 10:50 SM.wav 766 06-04-1998 07:51 smarrow.cur 110318 06-11-1998 10:47 SMasterical.wav 766 06-04-1998 07:52 smbeam.cur 3220 06-10-1998 19:07 SMbusy.ani 766 06-10-1998 18:59 SMcomp.ico 179568 06-11-1998 10:39 SMcritical.wav 766 06-04-1998 07:52 smcross.cur 766 06-10-1998 19:04 SMempty.ico 127288 06-11-1998 10:44 SMempty.wav 121344 06-11-1998 10:43 SMerror.wav 142234 06-11-1998 10:55 SMexclamanation.wav 104684 06-11-1998 10:31 SMexit.wav 332958 06-11-1998 10:38 SMexitwin.wav 766 06-10-1998 19:02 SMfull.ico 766 06-04-1998 07:53 smhelp.cur 103416 06-11-1998 10:24 SMmaxi.wav 57750 06-11-1998 10:28 SMmeny.wav 107374 06-11-1998 10:34 SMmini.wav 766 06-04-1998 07:53 smmove.cur 766 06-04-1998 07:54 smNESW.cur 766 06-10-1998 19:01 SMnet.ico 114418 06-11-1998 10:46 SMnewmail.wav 766 06-04-1998 07:55 smno.cur 766 06-04-1998 07:56 smNS.cur 766 06-04-1998 07:55 smNWSE.cur 766 06-04-1998 07:56 smpen.cur 60702 06-11-1998 10:29 SMpopup.wav 140294 06-11-1998 10:52 SMquestion.wav 146930 06-11-1998 10:35 SMrestoredown.wav 158106 06-11-1998 10:32 SMrestoreup.wav 169376 06-11-1998 10:22 SMstart.wav 509092 06-11-1998 10:19 SMstartwin.wav 766 06-04-1998 07:57 smup.cur 766 06-04-1998 07:57 smVO.cur 255 06-11-1998 11:10 Steve Morse - Read me.txt 129078 06-11-1998 11:08 logo.sys --------- ------- 3388687 41 files

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