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Description: Ozzy Osbourne (musician)
Category: Music
Release Date: September 10th, 2001
File Size: 1616K (1616902 bytes)
Downloads: 4 for the past Day (Rank: 5382)
29 for the past Week (Rank: 7127)
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Length Date Time Name --------- ---------- ----- ---- 766 08-05-2001 06:27 OZZY/Ozzy Handwriting.CUR 766 08-05-2001 06:27 OZZY/Ozzy Help Select.CUR 9076 08-05-2001 06:28 OZZY/Ozzy Hor.ANI 9076 08-05-2001 06:30 OZZY/Ozzy Move.ANI 365790 08-05-2001 19:26 OZZY/Ozzy preview.bmp 2242 12-31-2000 08:37 OZZY/Ozzy network neigh.ICO 9076 08-05-2001 06:31 OZZY/Ozzy Ne.ANI 2238 08-05-2001 05:28 OZZY/Ozzy my computer.ICO 766 08-05-2001 06:32 OZZY/Ozzy Precision Select.CUR 112166 08-05-2001 03:36 OZZY/Ozzy wallpap.bmp 9076 12-29-2000 07:11 OZZY/Ozzy SE.ANI 766 08-05-2001 06:32 OZZY/Ozzy Text Select.CUR 766 08-05-2001 06:33 OZZY/Ozzy Unavailable.CUR 9076 08-05-2001 06:33 OZZY/Ozzy Ver.ANI 129078 08-05-2001 06:01 OZZY/Ozzy wait.bmp 766 08-05-2001 06:25 OZZY/Ozzy Alternate Select.CUR 16478 12-30-2000 04:09 OZZY/Ozzy Normal.cur 129078 08-05-2001 19:19 OZZY/Ozzy startup.bmp 129078 08-05-2001 06:01 OZZY/Ozzy shutdown.bmp 5035 08-05-2001 19:47 OZZY/Ozzy.theme 464670 08-05-2001 08:32 OZZY/Ozzy start.wav 419656 06-18-2001 03:44 OZZY/Ozzy shutdown.wav 242630 08-05-2001 08:29 OZZY/Ozzy empty recycle bin.wav 159936 12-30-2000 04:55 OZZY/Ozzy open program.wav 176854 12-30-2000 05:00 OZZY/Ozzy program error.wav 93780 12-30-2000 05:10 OZZY/Ozzy maximize.wav 75890 12-30-2000 05:23 OZZY/Ozzy minimize.wav 88266 12-30-2000 05:30 OZZY/Ozzy question.wav 52302 12-30-2000 05:32 OZZY/Ozzy beep.wav 58 12-30-2000 05:50 OZZY/Ozzy exclamation.wav 77240 12-30-2000 05:42 OZZY/Ozzy menue command.wav 75558 12-30-2000 05:44 OZZY/Ozzy critical stop.wav 21802 10-11-2000 21:24 OZZY/Ozzy Close Program.wav 27444 10-12-2000 18:26 OZZY/Ozzy Default.wav 2238 08-05-2001 05:22 OZZY/Ozzy my document.ICO 6150 10-12-2000 20:02 OZZY/Ozzy Menu Popup.wav 14886 10-11-2000 21:32 OZZY/Ozzy New Mail.wav 101570 08-05-2001 17:32 OZZY/Ozzy working.ANI 98296 08-05-2001 08:57 OZZY/Ozzybusy.ani 3262 08-05-2001 06:37 OZZY/Ozzyrecful.ico 3262 08-05-2001 06:37 OZZY/Ozzyrecemp.ico 0 12-05-2000 13:49 OZZY/ 91748 08-05-2001 18:48 OZZY/Ozzy Working2.ani --------- ------- 3238657 43 files

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