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Description: Star Trek - Prometheus
Category: Sci-Fi
Release Date: September 29th, 2000
File Size: 3149K (3149885 bytes)
Downloads: 5 for the past Day (Rank: 3795)
33 for the past Week (Rank: 5573)
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Length Date Time Name --------- ---------- ----- ---- 18902 09-16-2000 12:07 Network.ico 7406 12-30-1999 18:26 Voy Local Drive.ico 6121 09-16-2000 14:06 Prometheus.Theme 79788 07-12-1996 22:40 Rom Critic Stop.wav 2348 07-12-1996 22:40 Rom Defualt Sound.wav 10550 04-20-2000 21:18 Rom popup.wav 55118 04-22-2000 16:01 Image800.jpg 81876 04-22-2000 16:01 Image1024.jpg 1440054 04-22-2000 16:02 Image800.bmp 2604 07-12-1996 22:40 Rom Exclamation.wav 45292 07-12-1996 22:40 Rom RingIn.wav 36588 07-12-1996 22:40 Rom RingOut.wav 45596 07-12-1996 22:41 Rom Restore Down.wav 7406 12-30-1999 17:53 Voy Cestino Vuoto.ico 29356 07-12-1996 22:41 Rom Restore Up.wav 48812 07-12-1996 22:40 Rom Question.wav 89260 07-12-1996 22:41 Rom Maximise.wav 65841 04-20-2000 21:20 Rom Close Program.wav 76716 07-12-1996 22:41 Rom Open program.wav 33933 04-22-2000 13:33 Rom New Mail.wav 7406 12-30-1999 17:54 Voy Close Folder.ico 77098 04-20-2000 21:14 Rom Exit.wav 176107 04-20-2000 21:27 Rom Star Windows.wav 88353 04-22-2000 13:34 Rom Minimize.wav 39537 04-22-2000 13:32 Rom Asterisk.wav 7406 12-30-1999 17:56 Voy Control Panel.ico 95932 04-22-2000 13:36 Rom default.wav 7406 12-30-1999 18:24 Voy Favorites.ico 21096 10-02-1992 17:36 Tt1240m_.TTF 129173 07-16-2000 15:21 Logow.sys 129173 07-16-2000 15:15 Logos.sys 129173 07-16-2000 15:15 Logo.sys 7406 12-30-1999 18:24 Voy Floppy.ico 7406 12-30-1999 18:25 Voy Internet cache.ico 7406 12-30-1999 17:47 Voy Cestino Pieno 2.ico 7406 12-30-1999 18:27 Voy My Documents.ico 7406 12-30-1999 18:28 Voy Open Folder.ico 7406 12-30-1999 18:29 Voy Printers.ico 7406 12-30-1999 18:31 Voy Ricerca.ico 7406 12-30-1999 18:32 Voy Scheduled Tasks Folder.ico 7406 12-30-1999 18:33 Voy Settings.ico 7406 12-30-1999 18:34 Voy Start Menu Favorites.ico 7406 12-30-1999 18:35 Voy Start Menu Program Group.ico 5494 09-16-2000 12:01 Prometheus.ico 1313555 09-16-2000 14:08 Prometheus1.exe 3262 04-08-2000 16:09 Cursore1.cur 5494 04-09-2000 12:06 warbirds2.cur 129681 04-22-2000 13:39 Rom recycle Bin.wav 53492 04-30-2000 20:27 prometheusearth.jpg 4576 03-29-2000 20:25 Voyager No.ani 27020 04-01-2000 09:49 Voyager Arrow.ani 24774 03-27-2000 20:46 Voyager Beam.ani 27020 03-29-2000 22:46 Voyager Cross.ani 24950 03-29-2000 21:55 Voyager Help.ani 31576 03-29-2000 22:29 Voyager Move 2.ani 4576 03-29-2000 22:13 Voyager Move.ani 20354 03-28-2000 22:24 Voyager NESW.ani 155650 03-30-2000 23:36 Borg_8472_Battle.ani 24950 03-29-2000 13:25 Voyager NS.ani 20354 03-28-2000 20:52 Voyager NWSE.ani 4608 03-29-2000 19:54 Voyager Pen.ani 29474 03-29-2000 20:36 Voyager up.ani 7952 03-29-2000 12:56 Voyager WE.ani 33998 03-28-2000 19:50 Voyager&LogoRot.ani --------- ------- 5125703 64 files

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