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Description: Sailor Moon (Japanese Anime series)
Category: Japanese Anime
Release Date: January 23rd, 1997
File Size: 503K (503645 bytes)
Downloads: 5 for the past Day (Rank: 3737)
37 for the past Week (Rank: 4182)
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Length Date Time Name --------- ---------- ----- ---- 766 02-21-1996 19:02 wand2.ico 766 02-21-1996 19:01 wand1.ico 61404 02-22-1996 17:55 venus.wav 366 01-09-1996 19:42 Themes.lnk 4090 11-06-1993 16:05 3DGMOVE.ANI 11994 10-28-1993 14:33 STOP.ANI 8754 12-02-1995 15:47 SMPNT.ANI 9400 02-21-1996 19:52 screensaver.scr 4484 02-22-1996 18:15 Sailor Moon.Theme 766 02-22-1996 18:13 pointer.cur 766 02-21-1996 19:06 pda.ico 82866 02-22-1996 18:05 moon2.wav 50616 02-22-1996 18:03 moon.wav 5568 02-21-1996 18:17 minimize.wav 24140 02-21-1996 17:56 menu popup.wav 117994 12-26-1995 20:51 menu command.wav 19348 02-21-1996 18:16 maximize.wav 51888 02-22-1996 17:53 mars.wav 81836 02-22-1996 17:56 juptior.wav 766 04-07-1993 20:17 HIBEAM.CUR 766 02-21-1996 19:44 hanger.ico 19156 02-21-1996 20:01 group1.bmp 14936 07-24-1993 04:11 FILLITUP.ANI 766 11-06-1993 18:08 CROSS2.CUR 766 02-21-1996 19:13 communicator.ico 766 11-06-1993 18:04 CANDCANE.CUR 766 02-21-1996 19:24 busy.ico 2238 11-16-1995 16:50 Black Cursor.cur 32888 02-21-1996 17:47 All of the sailors.ico 2502 10-28-1993 13:12 3DGWE.ANI 2502 10-28-1993 13:12 3DGNWSE.ANI 2502 10-28-1993 13:11 3DGNESW.ANI 101888 07-14-1995 00:00 The 60's USA.scr --------- ------- 721020 33 files

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