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Description: Sevendust (rock band)
Category: Music
Release Date: December 2nd, 2001
File Size: 4135K (4135144 bytes)
Downloads: 4 for the past Day (Rank: 5189)
32 for the past Week (Rank: 5944)
This is a theme of the rock band Sevendust.Ive seen requests for it ,so i decided to do one. :
its 800x600,has 3 logo curors and icons and great sounds. :
This is the first theme ive

Length Date Time Name --------- ---------- ----- ---- 3262 10-15-2001 14:28 7closed.ico 42578 10-11-2001 22:30 7dust busy.ani 286386 10-15-2001 21:52 7dust recycle.wav 2238 10-14-2001 14:17 7EMPTY.ico 2238 10-14-2001 14:18 7FULL.ico 3262 10-15-2001 14:26 7open.ico 2238 10-07-2001 22:38 arrow.cur 159458 10-06-2001 17:55 asterick.wav 9898 10-08-2001 00:27 busy.ani 229554 10-06-2001 17:57 critical.wav 766 10-07-2001 23:56 cross.cur 126790 10-15-2001 21:57 default.wav 766 10-08-2001 00:16 diagonal resize 1.cur 766 10-08-2001 00:17 diagonal resize 2.cur 435910 10-06-2001 17:56 down.wav 200754 10-06-2001 17:57 exclamation.wav 34644 04-22-1997 01:16 Font/7dust_.TTF 766 10-08-2001 00:09 help.cur 766 10-08-2001 00:14 horizontal resize.cur 11824 10-07-2001 23:49 Hourglas.ani 129078 10-15-2001 17:43 logo.sys 129078 10-15-2001 17:44 logos.sys 129078 10-15-2001 17:44 logow.sys 766 10-08-2001 00:18 move.cur 2238 10-06-2001 19:22 my computer.ico 2238 10-06-2001 19:47 my documents.ico 2238 10-06-2001 19:49 network.ico 766 10-08-2001 00:12 no.cur 16418 10-07-2001 23:10 Normal Select.cur 766 10-08-2001 00:11 pen.cur 211506 10-15-2001 21:52 program error.wav 1329 10-15-2001 19:09 Read Me.txt 2238 10-06-2001 19:50 Recycle.ico 78675 10-07-2001 01:19 sevendust.jpg 6216 10-15-2001 23:04 Sevendust.Theme 1221238 10-06-2001 17:58 shutdown.wav 828358 10-15-2001 21:31 startup.wav 766 10-07-2001 23:56 text beam.cur 425350 10-06-2001 17:59 up.wav 766 10-08-2001 00:15 vertical resize.cur 766 10-07-2001 23:17 Wait.cur 29542 10-08-2001 00:46 WORKING.ani --------- ------- 4774278 42 files

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