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Description: South Park (Comedy Central cartoon)
Category: Cartoons
Release Date: January 23rd, 2000
File Size: 568K (568495 bytes)
Downloads: 8 for the past Day (Rank: 938)
141 for the past Week (Rank: 36)
Author: Lizard King
Content: UNKNOWN
Other Info: UNKNOWN

Length Date Time Name --------- ---------- ----- ---- 8826 09-07-1997 13:23 sp_error.wav 7834 08-18-1997 20:10 busstop.wav 75820 03-31-1999 00:08 death.wav 11368 09-26-1997 19:32 Kennymumble.wav 729 04-14-1999 00:39 Klick Me to Install Font.bat 1394 04-14-1999 22:18 Read Me First.txt 5451 04-14-1999 01:17 South Park.Theme 44632 04-13-1999 20:57 Southpark wvleft.bmp 24142 04-13-1999 22:16 Southpark wvlogo.gif 20816 09-06-1997 14:44 sp default.wav 2238 07-14-1995 00:00 sp_beam.cur 2238 08-18-1997 11:41 sp_bin_empty.ico 2238 08-15-1997 01:55 sp_bin_full.ico 18332 11-17-1997 18:11 sp_busy.ani 2238 07-14-1995 00:00 sp_cross.cur 2238 05-15-1998 20:01 sp_cursor.cur 24862 09-07-1997 13:33 sp_empty.wav 58844 03-31-1999 00:05 8$.wav 85676 03-31-1999 00:04 sp_exit.wav 15790 08-29-1997 01:15 sp_help.ani 42698 08-18-1997 20:13 sp_killed.wav 6948 06-20-1993 19:58 sp_maximize.wav 2310 06-20-1993 19:58 sp_minimize.wav 2238 08-15-1997 09:27 sp_my_computer.ico 2238 08-18-1997 11:54 sp_my_docs.ico 2238 05-15-1998 20:01 sp_nesw.cur 2238 08-18-1997 11:27 sp_network.ico 2238 07-14-1995 00:00 sp_no.cur 2238 05-15-1998 20:01 sp_ns.cur 2238 05-15-1998 20:01 sp_nwse.cur 49290 03-31-1999 00:09 sp_only_one.wav 2238 07-14-1995 00:00 sp_pen.cur 4064 04-12-1999 18:31 sp_popup.wav 4706 06-20-1993 19:58 sp_restore_down.wav 7992 06-20-1993 19:58 sp_restore_up.wav 2238 05-15-1998 20:01 sp_size.cur 137772 03-31-1999 00:07 sp_start.wav 54252 04-27-1994 18:14 sp_style.ttf 2238 07-14-1995 00:00 sp_up.cur 27306 12-10-1997 17:24 sp_wait.ani 151393 04-12-1999 13:54 sp_wallp.jpg 2238 05-15-1998 20:01 sp_we.cur 15514 08-17-1997 22:47 sp_you_bastards.wav 14510 04-12-1999 18:36 stan.wav --------- ------- 959079 44 files

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