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Description: William the Bloody - Buffy the Vampire Slayer (tv series)
Category: TV Shows
Release Date: December 10th, 2000
File Size: 685K (685714 bytes)
Downloads: 6 for the past Day (Rank: 2454)
25 for the past Week (Rank: 8357)
No ownership details available. Please let us know if you created this file.

Length Date Time Name --------- ---------- ----- ---- 42314 11-18-2000 18:09 SPIKE.jpg 125117 11-17-2000 09:32 spike things change.wav 1926 11-16-2000 14:22 spike5.ico 54492 11-17-2000 09:34 spike likes to talk.wav 59508 02-08-1999 22:18 spike man enough.wav 99721 05-23-1998 10:01 spike time out.wav 16762 05-23-1998 09:53 spike hello.wav 5830 11-18-2000 18:20 spike.Theme 16660 05-10-1998 17:33 spike very funny.wav 34842 01-10-1999 21:45 spike bad man.wav 12300 01-13-1996 18:55 JC-SKULL.ANI 23348 02-08-1999 22:18 spike loves a funny thing.wav 31162 05-16-1998 14:06 spike someone.wav 222644 11-16-2000 14:21 spike have we meet.wav 49678 01-10-1999 21:45 spike work like that.wav 80735 01-10-1999 21:49 spike world.wav 46603 01-10-1999 21:46 spike my way.wav 1926 11-16-2000 14:22 spike.ico 94832 11-15-2000 14:53 spike sunlight kill us.wav 25522 11-15-2000 14:57 spike nice work love.wav 262088 10-26-2000 14:46 spike bones.wav 766 03-09-1996 02:50 Arrow.cur 766 03-09-1996 02:51 Beam.cur 766 07-01-1997 20:27 Red Cast Precision Select.cur 766 12-09-1996 04:15 No.cur 766 03-09-1996 03:23 Up.cur 2498 03-09-1996 02:02 WE.ani 2498 03-09-1996 01:58 NS.ani 2498 03-09-1996 02:00 NWSE.ani 2498 03-09-1996 01:56 NESW.ani 4046 03-09-1996 01:56 Move.ani 15620 10-07-1997 00:30 Help.ani 2238 01-13-1999 14:20 Geller Recycle Bin Full.ico 2238 01-13-1999 14:18 Geller Recycle Bin Empty.ico --------- ------- 1345974 34 files

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