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Description: StarCraft Protoss species (game)
Category: Games
Release Date: April 17th, 1999
File Size: 1745K (1745509 bytes)
Downloads: 6 for the past Day (Rank: 2435)
38 for the past Week (Rank: 3909)
Author: Ebolii
Content: UNKNOWN
Other Info: UNKNOWN

Length Date Time Name --------- ---------- ----- ---- 1534 03-24-1999 18:06 StarCraft Protoss v1_0 Readme.txt 6428 03-24-1999 18:01 StarCraft Protoss 640x480.theme 6428 03-24-1999 18:01 StarCraft Protoss 800x600.theme 24600 06-08-1995 09:42 SIMPLICI.TTF 4588 03-24-1999 14:21 StarCraft Zerg Working.ani 3774 03-24-1999 15:54 protoss network neighborhood.ico 2238 03-24-1999 16:30 protoss normal select.cur 3774 03-24-1999 15:48 protoss recycle bin empty.ico 3774 03-24-1999 15:51 protoss recycle bin full.ico 4588 03-24-1999 14:12 StarCraft Busy.ani 921654 03-24-1999 17:59 starcraft protoss 640x480.bmp 1440054 03-24-1999 17:58 starcraft protoss 800x600.bmp 14984 05-29-1998 23:41 StarCraft Protoss Asterisk.wav 22044 02-02-1999 15:44 StarCraft Protoss Close Program.wav 16975 05-30-1998 02:32 StarCraft Protoss Critical Stop.wav 14358 05-29-1998 23:53 StarCraft Protoss Default.wav 19900 05-30-1998 00:20 StarCraft Protoss Empty Recycle Bin.wav 111176 05-18-1998 08:32 StarCraft Protoss Exclamation.wav 89754 02-02-1999 15:10 StarCraft Protoss Exit Windows.wav 11059 05-29-1998 18:18 StarCraft Protoss Maximize.wav 7167 02-02-1999 14:47 StarCraft Protoss Menu Command.wav 4954 02-02-1999 15:15 StarCraft Protoss Menu Popup.wav 11152 02-02-1999 14:46 StarCraft Protoss Minimize.wav 363594 05-21-1998 13:10 StarCraft Protoss New Mail Notification.wav 33766 02-02-1999 15:44 StarCraft Protoss Open Program.wav 42020 02-02-1999 15:05 StarCraft Protoss Program Error.wav 13909 05-29-1998 18:21 StarCraft Protoss Question.wav 17961 05-29-1998 18:17 StarCraft Protoss Restore Down.wav 31290 02-02-1999 14:45 StarCraft Protoss Restore Up.wav 73295 02-02-1999 19:58 StarCraft Protoss Start Windows.wav 3774 03-24-1999 15:57 protoss my computer.ico 87840 03-24-1999 18:34 StarCraft Protoss 48x48.icl --------- ------- 3414406 32 files

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