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Description: Starcraft (combat game)
Category: Games
Release Date: October 24th, 1998
File Size: 3245K (324581 bytes)
Downloads: 6 for the past Day (Rank: 2436)
41 for the past Week (Rank: 3178)
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Length Date Time Name --------- ---------- ----- ---- 11776 10-04-1998 11:28 wibg.ani 3894 10-03-1998 21:55 Asterisk.wav 67604 10-04-1998 12:28 BG.jpg 11824 10-04-1998 11:02 busy.ani 18923 10-03-1998 21:58 Close.wav 3262 10-04-1998 12:21 crossbeam.cur 3262 10-04-1998 12:21 diagonal resize 1.cur 3262 10-04-1998 12:21 diagonal resize 2.cur 21934 10-03-1998 22:11 Erbin.wav 188102 10-04-1998 12:55 Exit.wav 3262 10-04-1998 12:22 handwriting.cur 13172 10-04-1998 12:04 help.ani 3262 10-04-1998 12:22 horizontal resize.cur 3262 10-04-1998 12:24 i-beam.cur 24742 10-03-1998 21:49 Maxim.wav 16994 10-03-1998 21:31 Menpopu.wav 6540 10-03-1998 21:30 Menuco.wav 31664 10-03-1998 21:50 Minim.wav 3262 10-04-1998 12:24 move.cur 3262 10-04-1998 13:06 My computer.ico 3262 10-04-1998 13:11 My documents.ico 3262 10-04-1998 13:18 network neighborhood.ico 13172 10-03-1998 21:08 normal.ani 16001 10-03-1998 21:56 Open.wav 9957 10-03-1998 22:43 Question.wav 3262 10-04-1998 13:20 Recycle Bin.ico 84480 02-28-1997 03:00 Scrscan.exe 4723 10-04-1998 13:23 StarCraft.theme 65645 10-04-1998 12:37 Start.wav 3262 10-04-1998 12:24 unavailable.cur 3262 10-04-1998 12:24 vertical resize.cur 3262 10-04-1998 12:21 alternate select.cur --------- ------- 656815 32 files

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