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Description: Star Wars (rebel & imperial)
Category: Sci-Fi
Release Date: March 6th, 1997
File Size: 1244K (1244786 bytes)
Downloads: 0 for the past Day (Rank: 7727)
64 for the past Week (Rank: 462)
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Length Date Time Name --------- ---------- ----- ---- 17714 05-01-1995 13:06 working.ani 2238 07-14-1995 00:00 up.cur 295574 05-17-1997 02:29 Startup.wav 2238 07-14-1995 00:00 Size WE.cur 2238 07-14-1995 00:00 Size NWSE.cur 2238 07-14-1995 00:00 Size NS.cur 2238 07-14-1995 00:00 Size NESW.cur 15500 10-03-1996 13:10 RP3IMT06.WAV 2320 05-12-1997 18:07 Reb_med.bmp 10938 10-03-1996 14:35 R2WARN.WAV 27074 10-03-1996 14:35 R2HIT.WAV 10990 10-03-1996 14:36 R2HAPPY1.WAV 13422 10-03-1996 14:35 R2DANGR.WAV 2238 07-14-1995 00:00 pen.cur 2238 07-14-1995 00:00 no.cur 2238 07-14-1995 00:00 move.cur 7458 10-22-1996 22:12 LOGONC.WAV 3530 05-12-1997 18:06 Imp_med.bmp 27462 05-02-1996 18:57 HYP-OT-4.WAV 26828 05-02-1996 18:57 HYP-IN-8.WAV 2238 07-14-1995 00:00 help.cur 119910 05-16-1997 20:26 Gamebi.bmp 9814 05-12-1997 19:10 full.bmp 132206 05-12-1997 22:21 Exit.wav 12166 05-12-1997 19:17 empty.bmp 16300 10-15-1996 17:57 DECOYLP2.WAV 169168 05-16-1997 20:26 Debbwr.bmp 2238 07-14-1995 00:00 arrow.cur 2238 07-14-1995 00:00 cross.cur 14644 10-21-1996 15:24 CHAFTRIG.WAV 6368 01-20-1996 15:16 busy.ani 7936 10-22-1996 22:12 BEEP3.WAV 810 05-02-1996 18:57 BEEP-01.WAV 2238 07-14-1995 00:00 beam.cur 17120 10-15-1996 17:57 DCOYFIRE.WAV 18764 09-18-1996 11:40 TRC_FIRE.WAV 18652 05-02-1996 19:12 POWERUP.WAV 17510 05-02-1996 19:12 POWERDN.WAV 14526 10-21-1996 15:24 NRGBMFIR.WAV 22498 10-15-1996 17:57 JAMFIRE.WAV 55160 05-15-1997 20:07 DFNSIV2.WAV 54338 05-16-1997 18:37 withyou.wav 26950 05-16-1997 18:44 undrestm.wav 5604 05-17-1997 17:33 Rebel.Theme 5810 05-17-1997 17:30 Empire.Theme 355612 05-17-1997 02:31 startup2.wav 22328 05-17-1997 01:22 R2D2.wav 24596 05-17-1997 02:02 mail.wav 3934 05-16-1997 23:30 Y.bmp 20278 05-17-1997 15:27 souico.bmp 12238 05-12-1997 19:36 cursor2.bmp 6526 05-17-1997 15:18 comico.bmp 54076 05-29-1996 17:34 rebel working.ani 78982 08-17-1996 12:59 rebel busy.ani 74386 03-08-1996 19:51 empire busy.ani 5590 09-04-1995 13:58 empire working.ani 2238 07-04-1996 12:00 RebelBin Empty.ico 3774 07-20-1996 01:44 Rebel Network Neighbourhood.ico 766 05-17-1997 17:31 Rebel My Computer.ico 766 05-17-1997 17:23 Rebel Bin Full.ico 766 05-17-1997 17:22 Epire My Computer.ico 3774 07-20-1996 02:39 Empire Network Neighborhood.ico 2238 07-04-1996 12:00 Empire bin full.ico 2238 07-04-1996 12:00 Empire bin empty.ico --------- ------- 1907026 64 files

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