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Description: Terminator 2 (movie)
Category: Movies
Release Date: July 23rd, 1997
File Size: 875K (875082 bytes)
Downloads: 4 for the past Day (Rank: 5022)
42 for the past Week (Rank: 2967)
Author: Alistair Skakles
Content: UNKNOWN
Other Info: UNKNOWN

Length Date Time Name --------- ---------- ----- ---- 22028 02-13-1996 16:21 GOODBYE.WAV 18498 02-13-1996 16:21 AFFIRM.WAV 54106 07-09-1996 23:54 Anybody.wav 79292 03-14-1996 04:04 ARNIE.JPG 18050 02-13-1996 16:21 BEBACK.WAV 11660 07-09-1996 23:56 beback2.wav 11884 07-07-1996 15:59 Chillout.wav 31676 02-13-1996 16:21 COME.WAV 32108 02-13-1996 16:21 CYBORG.WAV 16524 02-13-1996 16:21 EXCELENT.WAV 38524 02-13-1996 16:21 1MISSION.WAV 48796 02-13-1996 16:21 HASTA.WAV 24718 07-07-1996 16:02 Hasta2.wav 112124 07-07-1996 15:57 Humana.wav 21596 02-13-1996 16:21 IINSIST.WAV 17820 02-13-1996 16:21 ITFAILED.WAV 33882 07-09-1996 23:56 Killpeople.wav 71914 07-07-1996 15:59 Naturedest.wav 12572 02-13-1996 16:21 NEGATIVE.WAV 70940 02-13-1996 16:21 ONLINE.WAV 790 10-12-1996 13:16 readme.rtf 8760 01-08-1996 15:23 noproblm.wav 766 01-12-1996 16:51 T2 arrow.cur 766 01-27-1996 17:50 T2 beam.cur 766 01-27-1996 17:51 T2 cross.cur 126735 10-07-1996 18:44 T2 endoskeleton.jpg 766 01-12-1996 16:55 T2 help.cur 766 01-27-1996 17:53 T2 move.cur 66598 08-06-1996 23:19 T2 My Computer.ico 61398 08-06-1996 23:15 T2 Network neighbor.ico 766 01-27-1996 17:55 T2 no.cur 766 01-12-1996 17:01 T2 pen.cur 49178 08-06-1996 23:17 T2 Recycle empty.ico 71078 08-03-1996 10:04 T2 Recycle full.ico 766 01-27-1996 17:56 T2 Size NESW.cur 766 01-27-1996 17:57 T2 Size NS.cur 766 01-27-1996 17:57 T2 Size NWSE.cur 766 01-27-1996 17:58 T2 Size WE.cur 7158 07-24-1993 04:11 T2 Stopwtch.ani 766 01-27-1996 17:58 T2 up.cur 1748 08-06-1996 23:06 T2 Working.ani 18220 02-13-1996 16:21 TERMINAT.WAV 37276 02-13-1996 16:21 VACATION.WAV 18422 01-08-1996 15:10 notmakit.wav 32630 01-08-1996 15:30 t2open.wav 7560 01-08-1996 15:16 ezmoney.wav 14422 01-08-1996 15:21 chillout2.wav 9958 01-08-1996 18:00 atom.ani 766 01-08-1996 16:22 cyberdyn.ico 4624 03-31-1997 15:44 T2 (256 color).Theme --------- ------- 1295225 50 files

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