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Description: Tomb Raider (game)
Category: Games
Release Date: November 27th, 1999
File Size: 875K (875063 bytes)
Downloads: 6 for the past Day (Rank: 2360)
32 for the past Week (Rank: 5904)
Author: Asim Abdulraziq
Content: UNKNOWN
Other Info: UNKNOWN

Length Date Time Name --------- ---------- ----- ---- 27606 05-11-1998 21:57 tomb system default.wav 284596 05-11-1998 21:56 tomb startup.wav 33120 05-11-1998 21:55 tomb restore up.wav 22094 05-11-1998 21:55 tomb restore down.wav 22094 05-11-1998 21:54 tomb question.wav 44144 05-11-1998 21:53 tomb program error.wav 22094 05-11-1998 21:53 tomb minimize.wav 33120 05-11-1998 21:52 tomb maximize.wav 303232 05-11-1998 21:52 tomb exit windows.wav 44144 05-11-1998 21:51 tomb exclamation.wav 27606 05-11-1998 21:50 tomb empty recycle bin.wav 21712 05-11-1998 21:50 tomb default sound.wav 60682 05-11-1998 22:02 tomb critical stop.wav 33120 05-11-1998 21:49 tomb asterisk.wav 65889 05-11-1998 22:07 tomb wall paper2.jpg 47404 05-11-1998 22:07 tomb wall paper1.jpg 3774 05-11-1998 20:09 Tomb recycle bin full.ico 3774 05-11-1998 20:09 Tomb recycle bin empty.ico 3774 05-11-1998 20:49 tomb network neighborhood.ico 3774 05-11-1998 20:01 Tomb My Computer.ico 4421 05-11-1998 21:08 TombRaider2.Theme 4416 05-11-1998 21:07 TombRaider.Theme 337 08-10-1999 23:04 read me 1st.txt 51495 05-11-1998 08:27 tomb wall paper3.jpg 70516 05-11-1998 08:30 tomb wall paper4.jpg 67457 05-12-1998 15:50 Cliff Lara.jpg --------- ------- 1306395 26 files

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