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Description: Star Trek Voyager
Category: Sci-Fi
Release Date: January 8th, 1998
File Size: 426K (426640 bytes)
Downloads: 3 for the past Day (Rank: 2043)
38 for the past Week (Rank: 3241)
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Length Date Time Name --------- ---------- ----- ---- 20282 09-20-1997 11:01 Voyager Working.ani 766 09-27-1996 13:02 Voyager Arrow.cur 28022 06-14-1997 01:00 Voyager Asterisk.wav 6268 11-18-1995 06:57 Voyager Close Program.wav 48918 12-04-1995 22:24 Voyager Crit Stop.wav 766 09-27-1996 13:04 Voyager Cross.cur 44316 12-04-1995 22:24 Voyager Exclam.wav 766 09-27-1996 13:05 Voyager Help.cur 766 09-27-1996 13:03 Voyager I Beam.cur 19476 11-22-1997 22:56 Voyager Mail.wav 78488 09-17-1997 23:44 Voyager Maximize.wav 14228 09-17-1997 23:43 Voyager Menu Comm.wav 23312 09-17-1997 23:43 Voyager Menu Popup.wav 20566 09-17-1997 23:43 Voyager Minimize.wav 766 09-27-1996 13:16 Voyager Move.cur 766 10-23-1997 15:42 Voyager My Computer.ico 766 09-27-1996 13:21 Voyager NESW.cur 766 09-21-1997 18:07 Voyager Network.ico 766 09-27-1996 13:18 Voyager No.cur 766 09-27-1996 13:22 Voyager NS.cur 766 09-27-1996 13:24 Voyager NWSE.cur 11052 10-06-1992 13:48 Voyager Open Program.wav 481078 09-21-1997 17:17 Voyager Orbit.bmp 16773 09-18-1997 15:33 Voyager Out.wav 766 09-27-1996 13:20 Voyager Pen.cur 9666 11-21-1995 11:45 Voyager Program Error.wav 25144 03-10-1996 20:21 Voyager Question.wav 74912 06-02-1997 02:40 Voyager Recycle.wav 9939 01-12-1996 13:37 Voyager Restore Down.wav 23048 03-25-1996 18:25 Voyager Restore Up.wav 10762 11-21-1995 14:50 Voyager Start.wav 766 01-31-1992 21:29 Voyager UFP1.ico 2238 09-24-1996 16:05 Voyager UFP2.ico 7898 08-14-1995 12:00 Voyager Warpcore.ani 766 09-27-1996 13:24 Voyager WE.cur 15872 07-11-1995 09:50 Flying~2.scr 4821 12-05-1997 03:00 voythm1.Theme --------- ------- 1007803 37 files

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