This multi-them pack consists of five different theme settings featuring WWF wrestler Kane. Each setting includes a different JPG wallpaper image with matching color schemes. Shared files include a 'kanes.exe' slideshow type screen saver, new cursors, desktop icons, sound files and system logo screens.
The wallpaper images a reasonably creative but at inconsistent display sizes and clarity. These sizes include 666x501, 800x600, 666x501, 800x600, and 640x480 pixel JPG images that do not stretch well on larger desktops. The file structure is also a mess. Novice theme fans will most likely have a lot of trouble trying to install this theme. Most of the cursors are the standard type and sound quality is poor. All the sounds are in mono instead of stereo and some contain static or distortion due to peak recording levels. Alas, the screen saver doesn't completely remove itself from the Windows\System directory when uninstalled through Add/Remove Programs. You'll have to hunt down the 'smfcurrf.mid' sound file and delete it manually. No 'My Documents' icon or webview images are included.
You can probably find some other problems with this but this review is taking entirely too long. As a WWF wrestler might put it, it's going to take a lot more training to get a championship title for this one.