Just click on the self-extracting executable
file inside for easy installation. The only file you'll
have to install manually is the extra true type font and
there are instructions on how to do that too. Once
everything is ready to go, you will truly enjoy the
colorful desktop icons mixed with CD quality sounds. The
intensely synchronous JPG wallpaper image is also
available in both 800x600 and 1024x768 with theme files
to apply each one. Most importantly, unlike most music
based theme packages, nothing is too annoying, even after
extensive use. It ROCKS, in a kind of mild sort of way.
This update includes some way cool startup/shutdown logo
files. The author has also included the default Windows
95 Plus! logos for those that may need them.
There is no screen saver for those of you who can't live
without it all.
You don't have to be a Techno fan to enjoy this theme but
if you are, DO NOT pass it up!