The original video animated cursors included in
this package are something that you should definitely
see. It's nothing but astonishing. Actually, every single
item in this double theme package is of the highest
quality (with only a few exceptions). If you are a big
fan of the movie and have already downloaded several crap
Titanic themes, you should definitely try this one out.
At least to grab the set of cursors!
The main point of criticism here is originality. Many of
the files included in this package derive from another
popular Titanic theme. The files that are new do not
differ much from those found in the other package. Both
wallpaper images are the Titanic background images that
can be found at the official Titanic website. The theme
files contain a few formal errors that prevent two sound
files from loading properly. Lastly, the sound files are
not of the best quality.
This is nevertheless one of the best Titanic themes that
can be found on the Internet.