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Desktop Themes
  • Create Desktop Themes
    Learn how to take your icons, wallpapers, screensavers, cursors, sounds, and color schemes to make great desktop themes by using a simple text editor. Users can also find out more information about how to create the sub-components found in themes.

  • Download Problems
    Why does the download script keep redirecting back to the index page without downloading the file?

  • MP3 Sound Support
    What do I need to make these sound files play through desktop themes or Windows shell associations?

  • Spyware in Themes?
    Why is spyware being distributed in desktop theme packages and more importantly, how can I get rid of it?

  • Theme Installation
    Download a great theme? Well, here are the requirements to install desktop themes, you will need these three things to continue: Windows 9x/Me/NT/2000/XP, WinZip, and Microsoft Plus! (or a theme installer - see Theme Utilities).

  • Theme Problems
    Are your theme's JPG wallpaper looking pixilated? Do you receive page fault errors when loading several different themes? Do Connectix Desktop Designer themes work on Windows XP?

  • Windows XP Theme Compatibility
    Do themes that have the Windows XP Compatibility Check icon work with older versions of Windows as well?

  • Windows XP Theme Creation
    Will I be able to create and package themes for distribution using the Windows XP operating system?

  • Windows XP Theme Manager
    I can't find a theme manger for Windows XP. How can I load these themes without a theme manager?

  • Windows XP Theme Styles
    I installed a theme and now I am wondering how to get my task bar and start menu to show the XP theme.

  • Additional Theme Support
    Are there any good message boards or newsgroups for more desktop theme related information?

  • Create Fonts
    On this page, it specifies how to make a font by using either: Original art you've drawn, or another source like a very old book, A bitmap, preferably in high resolution, or Vector art, such as a Corel Draw, .EPS, or Adobe Illustrator.

  • Font Installation
    Download a great TrueType Font? Having trouble finding out how to install that font? Well you are in luck because we have step-by-step guidelines and requirements on how to install your zipped fonts on either a PC or Mac.

  • PC Fonts on a Macintosh?
    If you would like PC TrueType fonts to work on your Mac? We show you how TT-Convert can convert between formats, and tips on how to convert back and forth from PC to Mac TrueType and PC to Mac PostScript.

  • Screensaver Installation
    Using screensavers in Windows can bring your desktop much more entertainment than that boring default look would ever bring. So are you ready to apply a screensaver that you've downloaded?

  • Screensaver Removal
    How do you get rid of the screensavers if no uninstaller exists and there's nothing in Add/Remove Programs?

  • Icon Installation
    Here's a simple step-by-step installation guide to help you install and associate desktop icons as well as several other options.

  • Icon Problems
    Having problems with your desktop icons or even your system tray icons? Check out some steps on how to fix these problems.

  • Transparent Icons & Cursors
    Many cutout type icons and cursors with transparent backgrounds do not appear transparent on some desktops. Why is that?

  • Link Us
    In order to maintain some sanity and ensure our continued survival, ThemeWorld enforces the following policy regarding links to our web pages and theme files.

  • Theme Links
    If you wish to create a link to ThemeWorld, you can use the buttons and the associated HTML code found on this page to do so.

  • WinZip Tutorial
    ThemeWorld recommends that all desktop themes be unzipped using WinZip. An absolute file compression and decompression utility. It includes: a smart interface for viewing, running, moving, extracting, adding, deleting, and testing files our archives.

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