Halloween whisks the imagination with frightful thoughts of haunted encounters and spirits returning for unfinished business. Now, with extreme respect for this historic holiday season, the Theme Doctor has also returned to take care of business with six new Halloween themes for your desktop. Six eye-catching 3D wallpaper images with corresponding color schemes bring more than first impressions to life. Amazingly enough, this package includes six completely new sets of icons and cursors to match each of those unique first impressions. New and original spooky sound files,
web view images and system logo screens are also included. For those that are returning from last year's horrifying download, the screen saver speaks for itself but� wait until you see this one! Let's just say timing is the key to Halloween madness. Finally, with this nightmarish masterpiece, we wish you all the very best for a Happy Halloween holiday experience!
This update includes support for Windows 9x/NT/ME/2000 and XP operating
systems and now includes Halloween 2000 stationery for Outlook Express
users. -
Download if you dare.