Silence of the Lambs is no doubt a cult classic and this
desktop theme follows in the same classic footsteps. It brought the
horror/thriller genre to filmgoers again after a drought of good Horror
films and this theme is designed to do the same for your desktop.
Anthony Hopkins and Jodie Foster were brilliant in the film and again a
brilliant part of this theme package.
Wallpaper settings are available for 1024x768 or 800x600 display sizes
along with photo perfect desktop icons, original cursors, web view
images, system logo screens and a new screen saver. Installation is easy
with a self-extracting zip file that places all theme parts in relevant
folders within your themes directory. Simply follow the prompts.
There's only one minor detail. The author forgot to mention the fact
that you need to move the screensaver to your system directory.
Overall, a great movie and a great desktop to experience time and time