Ascend to the dignified heights and discover The Overlook. This
package comes with a natural but almost ancient appearance from stone
framed desktop icons to classical music sounds. The wallpaper is a
beautiful mountainous waterway landscape for 800x600 or 1024x768 display
sizes. There are a few new animated morph cursors and all the remaining
cursors have been tweaked with the same stone look found in the desktop
icons. Basically, it all blends together for a very natural desktop
theme setting. System logo screens, web view images and an extra font are
also included.
Understandably, there are several shortcut icons placed on the
desktop to make installation easier but readme instructions during the
self-extraction/installation process would probably be the better choice. The
assigned '3D Text.scr' may also be better off unassigned in the code. It
doesn't go well with remaining theme settings.
If you enjoy a rich cultural based theme that speaks with feeling and
atmosphere, don't overlook this one.