Three different desktop theme settings to choose from all based on the
Harry Potter movie. The main difference in each is the different high
quality 1024x768 JPG wallpaper images that cover your desktop. There are
shared photo quality desktop icons, a couple of interesting new cursors,
sounds straight from the official Harry Potter site and an optional "Vineritc.ttf"
font file for those that want to install it.
It's only a minor issue but the "Harry Potter Net Neigh.ico" doesn't
have a complete box frame around the icon to match the others. Cursors
are somewhat simple and most are very close to the standard 3D type. The
"Exit Windows" sound association is nearly 24 seconds long, which makes
for a lengthy reboot if you should need to restart your system. There
are no web view images, system logos or a screen saver for those that
want it all.
It could use some minor tweaks and a few extras but even as it is, Harry
Potter fans should go for it.