Look! Up in the sky! It's a ball! It's a globe! It's an
orb! No wait... It's... a Sphere! Well, what were you
expecting, Super Man? This is the third and most likely
final sequel to the first Spheres theme by the same theme
author. Now the package contains both of the prior
spheres themes along with a totally new setting that's
really the best so far. There are three theme files for
each theme, which make it easy to install the appropriate
JPG wallpaper size on Windows 95 or Windows 98. That's a
total of 3 themes and 9 theme files! Each theme comes
with a different color scheme, icons, and cursors to
match the different JPG wallpaper images. The cursors are
all original creations and are particularly fitting for a
spherical theme package. The icons are also new and
original. The sound files are all high quality 'MPEG
Layer-3,56 kBit/s, 22,050 Hz, Stereo' sounds. There's
even a screensaver and a set of startup & shutdown
logo files.
It's very cool in a 'round' about way.