Got any plans for Christmas dinner? This romantic theme setting
looks like a great place to start. The package includes a 1600x1200 JPG
wallpaper image of two full glasses of wine by a beautiful Christmas
tree. To liven things up, there are 14 colorfully animated Christmas
cursors, 12 Christmas icons, and 7 Christmas sound files.
Unfortunately, the author has mistakenly placed a zipped version of
this theme within the final zip. In other words, the theme is included
twice. If the extra zip is removed, this package is only about a 500k
download. The are no installation instructions included so be sure to
extract this to a folder named "CHRISTMAS DINNER" or the code won't
reference parts correctly. The lack of instructions can really be a
problem for those that don't know a lot about desktop themes.
The author should trash that extra zip and add some additional theme
parts to make this into a complete theme package. A few tweaks may be
required but even as is, it's a good addition to any Christmas theme